Saturday, April 27, 2013

Welcome Spring!

Planting our free tree from the Arbor Day Celebration
Nora trying out her new swing for the first time!
She likes it:)
Documenting hair growth.
It's there, just very light:) 
Love baby toes!
Nora loves her toes too:)

Goofy Luke...
...Then, goofy Nora
Documenting Tree Growth
Luke 7 Years and Nora 9 Months

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Remembering High School

Recently I heard a discussion on a radio morning show with people calling in to share "What you miss most about high school".  It got me thinking.  Then I had a dream the other night about going to a high school dance, so then I really got thinking:) 

I attended Mayo High School from 1996-2000.  It was a good experience, but I don't reminisce about it much.  (Kind of funny since I married my high school boyfriend and still live in the same city;))   Without further adieu, my favorites from high school can be simplified to four big hitters: basketball, dances, track, friends.


I dated Brent most of high school and he played basketball all of high school.  Some of my favorite high school memories are surrounding basketball:  going to games, cheering loudly, traveling to away games, and doing it all with friends.  I still get to watch Brent play basketball regularly, but it's just not the same environment as being at a high school basketball game and being completely emotionally engaged and charged by the game.  Brent was also very close with the guys on his basketball teams through the years so we spent a lot of time together outside of the gym too. 


Oh dances, how I loved thee!  I had the privilege of going to ten formal dances while at Mayo.  Each fall we had a homecoming dance, each February a sweetheart dance, and, in junior and senior year, Prom in May.  I liked the dressing up, getting my hair done, pictures, and all that prep, but I mostly loved the dancing!  I had a blast with my friends at dances.  Which reminds me, we also had non-formal dances, usually called mixers, that were a ton of fun too:) 


I was on the Mayo track team all four years of high school.  Track was the one sport that I was committed to and loved everything about.  I loved the workouts, being pushed, training with my relay teams, traveling for meets, and, again, being with friends on the team.  Track is not much of a spectator's sport, especially at the high school level, so we (the team) really supported one another at the meets and through the season.  Another fond memory I have of track is that I got to run with my sister for a couple years.  If I remember right, I think she started in 8th grade, so she and I ran together for two years.  We were also very blessed to have parents who loved track because we loved track, so they were always in the stands supporting us.  SO many good memories:)


I'd imagine that friends are a highlight for most people when they think of high school, but I know I didn't appreciate it as much as I should have at the time.  As life moves on through college, jobs, marriage, kids, etc, relationships with friends change A LOT.  Life gets in the way.  But, in high school, life was centered around friends and it was easy.  By easy I mean, we saw each other every day at school, got to do tons of things together that we loved (like sports, watching sports, dances, part time jobs, etc), and had very few responsibilities.  I feel especially blessed to have known some of my friends since elementary school so I knew their families, was welcome in their homes, and shared many years of memories. 

Lots of good times shared and hopefully this sparked some good memories for my fellow Mayo grads:)

(I meant to add some high school pics to this post, but I know it will take me forever to dig them out and scan them.  So check out an old post that includes pics of at least Brent and I from high school to get at least a taste:))

Tater Tot Hotdish

Tater Tot Hotdish is my definition of comfort food.  I can still remember the pan my mom made it in and it was always my favorite meal as a kid.  I still love making it as an adult and now it's one of Luke's favorites too.  A few years ago, I found a "makeover" version of the recipe that's healthier and we love the recipe.  (We make it with just corn instead of mixed veggies and only use ground turkey instead of the mixture of beef and turkey.)

Makeover Tater-Topped Casserole Recipe

This weekend we had plans to have friends over for dinner.  When we made the plans a couple weeks ago, we thought we'd be having spring weather by now and could grill out for dinner.  For those in Minnesota, you know that it's not grilling weather yet, so I decided to make my favorite hotdish instead.  This seemed a bit strange to me because Tater Tot Hotdish feels like a family-around-the-dinner-table-on-a-week-night type of meal in my mind.  But then I realized that we were sharing dinner with some of our closest friends, the Riggins, so it was completely appropriate to share a "family" meal together:) 

Thanks for a fun night guys and for sharing my favorite comfort food!

(P.S. My spell check keeps underlining hotdish in red.  
I'm from Minnesota and I make hotdishes.) 

Friday, April 12, 2013

High Five for Friday

Happy girl playing with cousin, Alaina
HUGE smile!
Luke asked Brent to pull out his tooth.
It's really been bugging him,
but he wouldn't come out yet:(
Snow Day in April
Luke enjoying Shel Silvertein in the fort he built
Nora snuggling "taggy bear"
(mentioned in Nine Month post)
Luke aced his "challenge words" spelling test this week.
A few of the words were tripping him up as he studied,
but he came through at test time!

  1. We spent last Saturday shopping at Medford Outlet Center.  I love that place!  A nice size to get through in a few hours, not far from Rochester, great prices, and great stores.  We try to get there about once a year.  This trip was focused on getting clothes for Brent and Luke, but Nora and I got a couple things too:)   This was our first trip going with both kids and they did great.  Nora was content in her stroller and Luke was a trooper.
  2. We got the new carpet installed in the living room/hallway in our basement.  We were very ready to replace the old carpet that had some not-so-lovely "dog scars."  It was a lot of work moving all of the furniture to make it possible, but it's great to have done. 
  3. Brent and I enjoyed massages Sunday afternoon.  Need I say more???
  4. It may not feel like it now, but it was exciting to watch Michigan in the Final Four and Championship this past week.  It was a sad night in our house Monday when they lost the championship, but what a season! 
  5. The end of this week has included lots of time at home and I've been loving it: getting caught up on housework and cleaning, resting, hanging with the kiddos, and reading.  SO nice!

Nine Months

At nine months, you are...
  • Unfortunately suffering from a double ear infection.  You have been such a trooper.  We just thought you had a cold that was wearing you down, because you were still acting like your happy self.  We learned at your nine month well child appointment today that you had the ear infections:(
  • Getting closer and closer to crawling. You go from the sitting position into a sort of dive forward landing on all fours.  You'll rock back and forth, but can't coordinate movement yet.  You make a lot of progress around the room rolling and pivoting.
  • Such a happy baby!  You love sitting next to your toy bucket or in the pile of toys and can keep yourself occupied for 30-45 minutes playing by yourself (mostly taste-testing each toy:))
  • Fond of being outside...the little bit we've been able to so far this nasty spring.  When we've been outside with you on nice days, you look up at the sun and just grin as if you've been longing for it.  I'm looking forward to days outside soon!
  • Becoming a fan of sleeping with your "taggy bear".  It's a teddy bear that has tags on all of the seams (much like a tag blanket). We give it to you when you are in your crib and you give it a big hug and smile:)  It's so stinkin' adorable!  
  • Enjoying eating puffs and cheerios by yourself.  You look so proud that you can do it by yourself and it's great entertainment in your high chair too.
  • Still infatuated with your brother. He makes you giggle daily and you both love playing together.  
  • Wearing size 3 diapers and mostly 12 month clothes. We resorted to mostly 18 month clothes for summer.  I tried a few sun hats on you this week, sized 6-12 months....the head circumference percentage below explains why none of them fit:)
  • Getting the hang of "so big" and waving goodbye.  Neither are super obvious, but we know what you're trying to do.
  • SO much fun and we love watching you explore, enjoy, and expand your small world everyday!

Nine Month Stats

19lbs 6oz

27.3 inches

Head Circumference
18.1 inches

Starting out being a stinker with her sticker...
Amazingly, she gave up on the sticker:)
I love the shape of her eyes
when she smiles.
Happy Baby!
Love a baby profile:)
Proud to be standing
Check out that belly and booty!

Friday, April 5, 2013

High Five for TWO Fridays:)

Two weeks since High Five for Friday + lots of fun for the Picker family = High Five for TWO Fridays!

Even my big 7 year old still snuggles his
favorite animals when he sleeps:)
Crazy hair day at school = blue mohawk
Happy budda-belly baby:)
Nora's first ride in the jogger stroller
with Daddy on a run
Playing in Nora's room
Love how they love each other:)
Sweet girl
Won't be long and we'll have a crawler!
Now the proud owner of a Hyundai Santa Fe!  
Luke's art on the white board in my cubicle at work
Love those chunky legs. Can't wait for
warmer weather so we can see them everyday!
Playing with Jack and Harper, my friend Liz's kiddos
Jack, 1 yr, Nora, 9 months
Lots of pictures, so I'll condense the happenings to just five:)

  1. LOTS of time with family and friends:  Easter weekend guests (Greg, Cal, & kids), Easter celebration with Beckmanns, Greens, and Moyers, play dates with friends, day trip to see friends, Momma lunch date with a friend, dinner out with Bunco group...see, we've been busy!
  2. Spring Break!  Luke had lots of fun with Papa & Gma Beckmann the first half of the week including a trip to Chuck E Cheese and a sleepover, then I got to have the rest of the week home with him and Nora:)  Love, love, love my work schedule and opportunity to be home with the kids!
  3. Lots of time watching basketball, particularly some GREAT Michigan games:)  Final Four baby!
  4. We traded in our Chevy Malibu for a Hyundai Santa Fe. SO much nicer, newer, smoother ride, and more space.  So grateful for the change.
  5. De-cluttering toys Luke has outgrown and bringing out more toddler-type toys for Nora.  Such a great task to accomplish.