Friday, June 28, 2013

Baseball with Nora

Luke plays two baseball games a week in June and July. 
Nora started crawling right about when the season started. 
You do the math:) 
I should mention, she doesn't like the feel of grass, so she won't crawl in it.
Daddy jungle gym

Hanging with Gma

Laughing at Daddy playing peek-a-boo

Getting tired and finding her thumb
(which is also her soother for teething)

Man, she is looking long in this pic!
We have a couple busy nights a week at baseball...and we're enjoying this summer of having a soon-to-be second grader and one year old:)

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Lovin' Summer!

Our free little "twig tree" from Arbor Day
 is growing nicely !
Eep, my clematis is growing great!
(It was only to the top of the plastic brace
when we bought it)
Flip flops and painted toes make me happy:)
Knee high corn by the Fourth of July
(or the week before:))
Growing garden
Happy to be swinging

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Times They Are A Changin

The next few weeks hold some major changes in our house:  I'm changing jobs and Nora is turning a year old. 

Many of the details about my job change are included in my earlier post. Beyond the excitement of a new job, there's also a lot of closure to consider.  I currently work in a secure area at Mayo, meaning I cannot just drop in to visit.  Visiting with coworkers will need to be deliberately planned.  I have also been incredibly blessed to work five minutes from home at one of Mayo's satellite buildings.  Not only did I have virtually no commute, but it also allowed me to drive home for lunch on my full work days to see Brent (and Nora and my dad during the past year).  Brent actually joked when I interviewed for this new job (which is downtown) if I'd ask if I could still come home for lunch;)  It has certainly been a rare blessing to have had the opportunity to share lunch with Brent the past few years.  For the past six months, my lunch at home has also included nursing Nora.  Once again, a huge privilege to be able to nurse her during my work day.  As with any job change, I'm also saying goodbye to my comfort zone.  The comfort zone is such a double edged sword.  On one hand, it's great to be good and experienced at your job.  On the other hand, it can become ordinary and lack challenge.  After eight years in the same position, I am certainly comfortable.  I was blessed through the years in this role to be challenged with new systems, applications, roles, etc, but the opportunities had narrowed more recently.  So, I leave the comfortable for the great unknown with new challenges, new experiences, and new coworkers. 

Nora is turning one.  What?!?!  I have a tendency to be sentimental around certain birthdays for my kiddos, and the first birthday is one of those years.  Again, I think of all of the infant/baby items, tasks, etc that will no longer be needed.  I have met my goal of nursing Nora for her first year and we plan to switch her to whole milk in July.  Thankfully she's been doing great with the sippy cup recently so I think she'll make the transition easily.  She's not a picky eater and loves drinking water from the cup.  I will miss our snuggle time together of nursing though.  She is such a busy body that I rarely get any other snuggles.  I know I will remember this year of nursing fondly for many years to come.  I've also gradually been putting infant items into storage that we no longer use, like the baby bathtub, Baby Bjorn backpack, Moby wrap/sling, lots of baby clothes, and soon I'll be putting away my pumping supplies and bottles as well.  Ugh, sometimes it's hard to be so sentimental:(

Needless to say I have a lot running through my mind as I approach my last week at work and Nora's first birthday.  There's also a lot of excitement in the coming weeks that should ease me/us through the changes.  Our friends from out of state will be in town for a couple weeks, Brent will be playing in the Star of the North basketball tournament, we'll be heading to Pine Haven Christian Assembly for a week of family camp, and of course birthday celebrations for Nora:) 

Unexpected Beautiful Sunday Out

After a dreary start to the day in Rochester, we weren't sure if our plans to head to St Paul for a Como Zoo visit and birthday party would be met with rain.  But, it turned out to be a beautiful day (sunny, breezy, and warm) for a trip to the zoo, which was actually nicer than Rochester's humid day.

Little Miss checking out the Orangutans
Our monkey by the monkeys
Visiting the giraffes

Checking Luke's reach against the Gorilla's

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Riding with Mickey

After taking the picture of Luke on the Mickey toddler toy the other day,
it made me think that the picture looked familiar. 
I was right, I found a picture of him on the same toy when he was 19 months old:)
Oh the difference 6 years makes!

High Five for June

I've been behind on my High Five for Fridays this month, 
but I wanted to share some cute pics (some duplicates from Facebook)...well...just because:)

Snuggles with cousins

Reading together:)

Playing in the toy basket

Baby blues

Wearing Luke's Michigan hat from
when he was a baby:)

Visiting Jack the Helping Dog and
getting Luke's book signed

Nora getting in on the action too

Lunch with these cuties and their daddies at Noodles

She loves my sunglasses:)

Riding his Mickey push toy that
we just got out for Nora

Library Fun

The Rochester Public Library renovated their children's area in the past year and we finally made a visit to check out the final product.  We don't typically make it to the public library much during the school year since Luke checks out books at the school library, but he was ready for some summer reading material. Nora is also the perfect age to enjoy the library with all of the fun interactive toys available for climbing and exploring.  I think we'll be making more trips to the library this summer!

Alphabetizing the alphabet blocks:)

Exploring the garden and vegetables

Mommy showed her their was a puppy behind
the door, so she's coming to find out for herself


Oh the places to explore!

More stuff my size!

Fun little area to play and perform puppet
shows with animal puppets

Examining the magnetic pen

Fun for all ages

This girl LOVES books!

Canoe ride:)

Fishing inside the boat

Attempting to get the end of the fishing
pole into her mouth:)

Basketball Camp

This past week, Luke attended a Community Education basketball camp at Mayo High School.  Basketball is one of the top two sports (football is the other) that he is passionate about, so he had a blast:)  

A special shout out to the Blue Papa (Duane) and the Brown Gma (Ruth) for driving a couple days so Luke could go to camp!  Nora and I had fun watching Thursday and Friday mornings:)


Luke's in the black shirt and gray shorts looking away
from the camera on the left side

Ball handling with his buddy, Mason, from school
More ball handling

Sharks and minnows game, on the sideline




Nora thinks she's enjoying Luke Gatorade
, but it's closed:)

The crew

Proud boy with his certificate, the basketball
each  participant got, and two Gatorades
(one he won, the other everyone got)

Posing with the Spartan:)