Thursday, March 28, 2019

Jace ~ 7 Months

Somehow 7 months crept up on me!  I cannot believe how fast this first year of Jace's life is speeding by and how quickly he is growing and developing.  Maybe it just feels faster because we're also busy with his older sister and brother??? All I know is that I take the chance to snuggle with our plump little guy any chance I get πŸ’•

Sleeping - Jace got his first head cold in March, which is truly miraculous it took that long since the rest of us have had colds nearly all winter.  He had a couple weeks of interrupted sleep because he was so stuffy...and it's hard to suck on a pacifier when you can't breathe through your nose!  Jace is still sleeping in the pack-n-play since he's still wedging himself against the sides and it's much softer than the wood slats of his crib.  He's not a big napper at Papa and Gma's house where he spends his days while Brent and I work, but he's happy when he's awake.  He tends to take longer naps when he's home.

Eating - This month brought lots of new foods into Jace's life!  He's tried pumpkin, green beans, peas, sweet potatoes, banana, avocado, and pears...and he hasn't found a food he doesn't like πŸ˜‹  He typically eats solids twice a day and eats every last bite.

Growing - Jace is wearing 6-9 and 9 month clothes and size 3 diapers.  We just started trying size 4 diapers at night because he saturates the size 3s.  Funny story: We have tons of hand-me-down clothes for Jace from his cousin Parker.  The other day Brent tried to put a skinny cut pair of pants on Jace that were size 6-12 months.  We couldn't even get the pants up his thighs....we agreed that Jace is built solid like Brent and Luke and skinny pants are probably not in his futureπŸ˜„

Fun - Jace is so much fun right now.  He loves to see his family and always greets us with a huge open smile and full body excitement (like a puppy 😊).  He loves chattering and has been figuring out the art of conversation.  Nora loves talking to him and Jace responds with lots of happy squeals and sounds like he knows exactly what she's saying.  It's very, very sweet.  He's still very busy rolling around and often pivots with his hands when he's on his stomach.  No real signs of crawling yet, but I'm good to wait on that awhile anyway.  He's been getting stronger at sitting up, but opts to lay down and roll so he can get to more stuff.  This past month he got to swim for the first and started using the jumperoo.  He loved swimming and totally relaxed in the water and he enjoys the toys on his jumperoo and jumping when he's excited.

Jace is really such a happy baby and is easy to bring most anywhere we go.  He enjoys taking in all of the sights at sports, school events, church, or where ever we find ourselves these days.  The past week has warmed up and the snow is almost completely gone, so we've gotten out for a few walks.  I look forward to many more as the spring and summer progress!

This pursed-lip grin is new. 
I think it might have to do with teething and rubbing his gums.

Had to entertain him a bit for pictures
Getting longer!

Sitting strong
This is his "I'm excited to see you" face

Cutie in his overalls

Snuggled up for a walk and a snooze

Exploring his toy bucket

This is his pivot position



Saturday, March 2, 2019

Jace ~ 6 Months

February was a l-o-n-g winter month this year.  We had the snowiest February on record (39.7 inches) and we're currently the 6th snowiest winter (73.5 inches)...but winter ain't over yet...

Thankfully, we have a sweet six month old to snuggle and enjoy his smiles even when the snow piles up outside 😊  Well, at least we snuggle him when he's not on the move!  

Sleeping - Jace's sleep was interrupted this month by his new skill of rolling both directions (February 1).  He's talented enough to roll, but not so much when he's sleeping or half asleep.  He'd wedge himself into the corner of his wooden crib or get stuck on his stomach and not be able to roll back over where he wanted to sleep.  So, it was a more interrupted month of sleep, but still not bad.  We started sleeping him in a pack-n-play since the sides are soft when he runs into them.  We'll move back into the crib once he's better at controlling his night time rolling.  And, if sleeping got especially interrupted, we could also buckle him into his rock-n-play sleeper where he would rest peacefully.  Naps have stayed about the same with one longer nap a day and a couple shorter 45ish minute naps. 

Eating - Eating has been pretty consistent with 6-8 ounces every 3-4 hours during the day.  We tried cereal for the first time last night.  

Growing - Jace is wearing size 6-9 month clothes and size 3 diapers.  Stats based on his 6 month appointment on March 1.
17.3 lbs

25.4 inches

Head Circumference
18 inches


Fun - Jace quickly went from one tooth to his second tooth, with the second one coming through on February 4.  He also started making the da-da sound the beginning of February and does lots of chatting while he plays.  He's making his way around the living room exploring with his new rolling ability.  He gets wedged under the couch or in a corner often πŸ˜‰  This boy has been such a joy during this long winter and the stresses of life.  His bright eyes, contagious smile, and plump little body are absolutely irresistible πŸ’“