Sunday, August 1, 2010

One for One Making Crepes

I'm typically a bit gun shy when it comes to trying to make completely new foods, but tonight I gave crepes a shot. Mixing them up was not a problem at all (3 ingredients), but I was a little concerned about cooking them since I know they are so thin. But, I made the entire batch without burning a single one!

Don't these look delicious?

Luke's quote of the night came as I was putting the chocolate syrup on top of his crepe: "Oh yeah, that's the good stuff" That boy can always make me laugh:)

He and I had a nice night making our crepe dinner while Brent was out for a run. Luke helped me mix up the crepes, then got out his work book from Grandma Ruth while I cooked them. We did his very first crossword puzzle together. I read him the clues, he told me the answer, then we sounded out the words together and he wrote the letters. A nice, relaxing Sunday evening:)

If only I didn't still have a run ahead of me before bed...I better get going!


  1. I LOVE crepes! It's like having dessert for breakfast. :) And I, too, was surprised at how quick and easy they were!

  2. Yummy, Makes me wanna give it a try :)

  3. I'm better at crossword puzzles than making crepes. A boy after my own heart!
