Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Memories - Old and New

My wonderful cousin, Steph, had the idea to have a hayride at my grandpa's farm a few years ago as an excuse for the family to get together (other than the typical holiday gatherings). Little did she know that she would begin a new tradition...one that I thoroughly enjoy! If my calculations are correct, we just had our four annual hayride!
Look at my peanut, at our first hayride. He was only 20 months!

In Luke's eyes, we're going to Great Papa's farm for a day of fun. For me, it's a walk down memory lane, remembering all the time I spent at Grandma and Grandpa Beckmann's house growing up. It's also exciting to bring Luke, a new generation, to enjoy the farm, spend time with extended family, and to create new memories.

We had beautiful weather this year (I think we've had rain or drizzle the past couple years), so I took the opportunity to walk around the farm to take some pictures and to reminisce.

The milk house I painted years ago in high school with my friend, Amanda...looks like it could use another coat:)

A shed that has been old in my eyes since I can remember behind the machine shed. (The old truck begged a photo:))

I remember when these blue spruce trees were planted as little saplings when I was a kid. Once they got big enough, I remember cutting one down every year for a Christmas tree. They've outgrown the Christmas tree stage.

My favorite tree, yep, I have a favorite tree, don't you?:) This old cottonwood is enormous! My dad calls it a landmark tree, and for good reason, you can see it clearly miles down the road and know it's Grandpa's farm. As kids we played a lot of softball in this front yard, and home plate was always right in front of the tree, then we hit toward the house.

The farm. View from the road. The huge cottonwood is just to the left of the mailbox.

The house. The large trees to the left are the blue spruce I talked about earlier...they're now taller than the house. Does that date me?;)

And finally, the basketball hoop on the barn door where I shot a lot of baskets. Simple, yet functional -- all a young kid needs:)

I've only scratched the surface of the memories I've made through the years at Grandma and Grandpa's, but it was fun looking back down memory lane. I can only hope that Luke has many years ahead of visiting Grandpa on the farm and that he has a wealth of fond memories like me.

Thanks to Steph for the great idea for an annual hayride, to Grandpa for hosting us all, and for our extended family for the new memories.

Check out the October 2010 link on the left for more pictures!

1 comment:

  1. Loved reading about your farm memories. I also had a Grandma who lived on a farm. The house has since been torn down but the barn still stands, It's so cool that Luke can see what you saw as a kids, shared memories are so fun.
