Thursday, February 24, 2011

Bowling with the Beckmanns

I don't know that I'd call it a "ritual" yet, but we've gone bowling two Februaries in a row in with my family. Last year it was just something fun to get out to do in the winter, but this year it was part of Luke's birthday celebration with the Beckmanns to go bowling again. It was so fun to see how much Luke has physically changed and developed over a year in an activity he only does once a year:)

February 2010 ~ Showing off his bowling shoes at his first bowling experience

Even the small ball was quite large for him to lift and he certainly didn't use the holes for his fingers

His bowling "form" involved putting the ball on the floor, then pushing it down the lane. Not exactly bowling, but it got down the lane...very s-l-o-w-l-y.

Our 2011 bowling experience was completely different though. He was able to fit his little fingers into the holes on the ball and even pick the ball up with his fingers in the holes. He also got the hang of throwing the ball mostly with one arm, and after a few frames, he was able to get a running start to throwing the ball down the lane. I was quite impressed! (The ball still moved slowly, but much faster than last year:))

Cute little fingers in the ball:)

The good news is that this year I was able to get a video of his bowling skills so you can share the full experience.

You may or may not be able to catch this on the video, but after he bowls and we cheer for him or acknowledge how he did, he gets a shy grin on his face and covers his mouth with his hand to hide the sheepish grin. Oh, our little introvert, not enjoying the attention:)

I wondering if it will be another year before we bowl again or if Luke will ask to go again sooner???

1 comment:

  1. what a sweetie! I did see his little sheepish hand over mouth cute.

    and yeah, I'd say he's gonna go pro by next year, he showed that ball who was boss!

    how fun to compare each year.
