Saturday, March 31, 2012

Making the Move

Luke made the move to his new bedroom downstairs today.  We've been talking about doing it for few years, but never had a real reason to "have to."  How that Nora is on her way, we thought it would be nice to get Luke settled in for a while before she's born, which in turn allows us space in her room (Luke's former room) to store and prepare baby gear for her.

It was Luke's idea to be in all the pics of his new room.  He's pretty excited about it:)

Looking into his room from the doorway (his window looks out under our deck)

Looking to the left from the doorway

Looking at his bed/doorway wall from the window wall

Luke requested a pic next to his "sports guys" on the bookshelf:)

Finishing off the day of moving with story time in his new room
As I write, he is sleeping like a rock in his new room.  He seems to like being on the same floor as our TV, because he knows there is a pretty good chance that Daddy will be watching TV in the living room after Luke's in bed.  I can relate, I remember liking hearing my parents in the other room when I was going to bed as a kid too:)

Now, on to getting Nora's room set up.  Thankfully we still have a few months!


  1. I'm glad he likes it down there! Looks great! I also remember liking hearing my dad watching TV when I was in bed :)

  2. Very nice room, Luke! You have good taste. Can't wait to come play with you in it Love, Gma Ruth

  3. Looks great Jen, Luke looks so happy to have his new bedroom. He's growing up fast :)
