At one week old, you are:
- Nursing like a champ! (Luke and I struggled with this, so I really wanted to make it work this time)
- Sleeping great at night - giving us 3 to 4 hour stretches between feedings
- Enjoying car rides both around town and to and from the cities today...slept the entire ride both ways
- Very interested in getting your hands/fingers into your mouth, so we're suspecting you might be a thumb/finger sucker once you get the hang of it
- Enjoying the baby papasan chair that vibrates and the baby swing
- No longer showing signs of jaundice. You were only a little yellow for a couple days, but we can tell it's dissipating over the past couple days.
- Wearing newborn sized diapers and clothes
- Already free of your umbilical cord stump (not sure what you call it), it just fell off today so you can enjoy your first real bath tomorrow!
- Loved and adored by family and have had snuggle time with all of your grandparents, aunts, and uncles...and of course Mommy, Daddy, and big brother, Luke:)
So little and sweet, kind of drowning in your little sleeper. But your eyes are open and you're looking older already. We knew you would grow up way to fast!