Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Every January

Every January for the past six years, reality has sunk baby will soon be another year older.  Luke's February birthday looms on the horizon.   He's excited to plan a birthday party, decide who to invite, and to be a year older.  I, on the other hand, am sad to know that another year of my boy's young life has flown by right in front of my eyes. 

As if it hasn't been hard enough on me knowing that my baby is turning seven, Luke has gone to bed by himself the past two nights.  Usually he wants both Brent and I to come down to his room, tuck him in, and then he asks one of us to stay downstairs until he falls asleep.  But, the past two nights, he has told us that he wants to get ready for bed himself, then we can come down to say goodnight once he's in bed.  *Sigh*...he's growing up before our eyes.   It makes me think of the book, Let Me Hold You Longer, by Karen Kingsbury, that talks about the "last times" of parenting (i.e. the last time your child sits on your lap, etc) and how easily they go unnoticed. 

There has been one silver lining to Luke's independence in putting himself to bed...both nights that I have come into his room to say goodnight, Luke has forgotten to take off his glasses when he laid down in bed.  I guess he does still need his Mommy more than he realizes;)


  1. Ugh.... I know that feeling of the kids growing up too fast....mine already did. The good news is that they still need you in one way or another even when they're all grown up :)

    1. Thanks for the encouragement Jackie:) Your relationship with your adult children is an inspiration to me.
