Friday, February 1, 2013

High Five for Friday

  1. I reached another milestone in my weight loss:  Down 25 lbs!  Again, I attribute the weight loss mainly to breastfeeding as I've not been following Weight Watchers much.  I don't remember the exact weight I was when I began pregnancy with Nora, but I'm thinking I'm pretty close to it now.  I still have a little ways to go to get to my ultimate goal (which I've reached two other times with Weight Watchers)...I know that will require me to follow the program more closely and to be creative fitting exercise into my life.  
  2. It's February!  After the busiest January (probably in my entire life), I'm just glad to turn the calendar to a new month:)  February brings Valentine's dates, Luke's birthday celebrations, family birthday celebrations, and hopefully a fully completed flooring project!
  3. I enjoyed some very nice quality time with Luke this week.  Nothing planned or even intentional, but special nonetheless.  It is certainly a balance having more than one child (God bless you with more than 2...I don't know how you do it!).  During this first year of Nora's life, I've felt like Luke and I don't always connect as much as I'd like.  This week we enjoyed snuggles, reading, baking, dancing, and lots of giggles:)   
  4. Speaking of dancing...we love to dance at our house:)  We subscribe to Rhapsody, which gives us access to any music for a flat monthly fee.  We love it and we have created many playlists through the years.  It's especially fun to introduce the kids to songs we liked when we were younger (for instance, I'm listening to an old Shania Twain album as I write:)).  This week, Brent added RUN-DMC to Luke's latest dance list.  Luke and Nora both loved it.  Nora jumps and gets all excited when "It's Tricky" comes on:)  So adorable and I need to get a video of it:)
  5. We don't get official "snow days" any more as adults, but sometimes we declare them ourselves on days off or when life circumstances present them.  On Sunday, we got a lot of rain and ice so we declared our own snow day and did not leave the house all day.  It was glorious!  Now, today, Brent's car stalled on his way to work.  Unfortunately that did not mean a "snow day" for Brent, but it does make a stay at home day for Nora and I since we don't have a car:)  I'm without a doubt a home body, and sometimes it's just nice to know that I simply can't be out and about.  On a freezing day like today, I'll gladly stay inside:)

1 comment:

  1. Sweet update :) I love that Nora gets excited when 'it's tricky' comes on. Audrey loves to dance and we usually put on music and dance aroudn after supper at a family, it'll be a fun memory :) Way to go on the weight loss!
