Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Nothing Better than Thawing in the Warmth of the Sun

I was beyond blessed to have today off work to enjoy this amazing, sunshiny, 70 degree day!  There is nothing better than thawing in the sun after a l-o-n-g Minnesota winter.  This week is especially beautiful because the cherry blossoms are blooming!  I was able to visit two of my favorite parks today to take in the scenery and enjoy the aroma:)

A walk through Soldiers Field this morning
Luke and Ethan playing baseball in the backyard
Nora and Luke watching Daddy mow the yard
while we set out our picnic dinner on the deck
After dinner, Brent, Nora, and I went for a walk at Silver Lake while Luke went to a movie with Gma.  We'd hadn't brought Nora since last summer, so she was super excited to see the geese and several different flocks of goslings.  We let her explore a little with one such group:)

Nora flailing with excitement over the
geese and goslings

I'm not convinced all of these goslings belonged to just
these two geese...were they babysitting???

If this pic were zoomed, you'd see the pure joy on Nora's face:)
 On the way home, Brent picked up Flapdoodles Ice Cream.  The picture below is the end of a fun-filled day for a toddler:  ice cream mustache and crazy post-pony-tail-mohawk:)

This amazing day was just what my soul needed.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, it was a beautiful day. If it could always stay dry and 70's I'd be a happy summer girl. For today I will enjoy it!!!
