Wednesday, March 29, 2017

We Love Wednesdays

Anyone else ready for March to be over???  I'm ready for April: springtime, growing/blooming plants, flowers, and trees, and SUNSHINE!  It's been pretty gloomy this March.  

We did have some fun stuff to brighten our days this past week though, even if the sun did not make many appearances:)

Yoga and Laughing
Last weekend, Brent introduced me to comedian Mike Birbiglia on Netflix.  I believe he has three comedy specials available, but I liked the two most recent the best.  Anyway, we watched a few over the weekend, one of which was while I was doing yoga.  I quickly learned that laughing while holding yoga poses was not very easy (imagine body shaking with laughter while balancing on one leg):)  (P.S. There is such a thing as laughter yoga.  Never tried it.)

Toast and Taste
Last summer/fall, Brent joined the Stewartville Area Community Foundation board at the suggestion of a friend and in an attempt to get involved in our new community.  The foundation's mission is to support projects which improve the quality of life and build a stronger community for the greater Stewartville area.  The foundation's focus the past few years has been working with the city's Parks Department to raise funds to build an amphitheater in Bear Cave Park (which is very close to our house!).  The major annual fundraiser has been the Toast and Taste.  It was a fun night meeting others on the board and new-to-us faces in Stewartville as well as running into others we already knew.  I'm already looking forward to next year's event and inviting more people we know now that we can vouch for how fun and successful it was.  

Night out with my guy
Parker's Baptism
Our sweet nephew, Parker, was baptized at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church on Sunday and I have the privilege of being his godparent.  I love this boy so much and it was a special day dedicating his life.

Parker and his awesome family

Ross' brother, Kevin, and I are Parker's godparents

Gma and Gpa

Great Gma and Gpa Green

Beckmann grandkids
(Parker trying to steal Nora's barrette)

Handsome boy!
9 months old

Brother and sister

Crazy girl at Moyer's after the service

Parker had a cold and took a long nap after church,
so we mostly got pics with Pippy:)

I love watching Nora play outside with her neighborhood friends.  The kids are great and find ways to play with kids ages 4-12 without any trouble (most days;)).  This week I saw the crew of kids gathered in the backyard ready to play hide and seek.  I then saw a neighbor girl start counting and my daughter run about 20 feet to "hide" behind a soccer goal.  Not a great hiding place...behind a net:)  She is no good at hide and seek and it cracks me up.  She's either "hiding" in plain sight or telling me where to hide so she can find me.  Goofball!  We also had one beautiful evening to play outside this week so I suggested a project I remembered doing as a kid: painting rocks.  I had no idea it would be such a hit.  I brought out some kids nail polish, the kids found rocks, and all ages of neighbor kids had fun painting together.  Rocks...what more do kids need for entertainment;)

As Luke is growing older, we're finding ourselves having more "life lesson" conversations as circumstances arise.  This week, Luke told us that he had a group social studies presentation the next day.  He had done his part, but his teammates had not done much for theirs.  He felt like he should pick up the slack, but also felt that it was unfair.  We were able to talk and help him through it and I was very proud of his effort.  Our emphasis was on him putting forth his best with the project regardless of his teammates' effort.  Short time lines and unplanned things like this cause him stress, but he really rose to the occasion getting the work done over the course of the evening.  Proud momma moment:)

A few other fun pics from the week:

Lunch at Victoria's with my mom's friends...the cousins had fun:)

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

We Love Wednesdays

We are enjoying the quiet, slower pace of life as winter activities have ended and spring activities do not begin for another few weeks.  We're in the lull of March, which has allowed for more time to watch March Madness Basketball and for the kids to enjoy more daylight playing outside after school.  The simple, beautiful things of life:)

March Madness Rounds 1 and 2
Fun weekend for Michigan basketball!  They narrowly beat both Oklahoma State and Louisville to enter the Sweet 16 this coming weekend.  To quote Brent: "These games are taking years off my life.";)

First Day of Spring 
The weather was beautiful, 50s and mostly sunny, so the kids played outside while I made dinner.  I loved watching Nora sprint across the yard while playing tag with the neighbors and was surprised to see this a while later:

Yep, that's shirts and skins soccer:)  Never mind that Luke already has a cold...I'll let them enjoy the warm weather and lack of snow (most years we still have a lot of melting happening in March).  Brent and I got our to check on our plants and found the tulips I planted were sprouting!  I was/am ecstatic!  This was my first attempt at bulb planting and it worked!  Can't wait for my very own tulips!
An added bonus to the evening was learning that Dairy Queen had free vanilla cones to celebrate the first day of spring!  

And...a funny story that also signified spring:
N: Can I watch a cartoon in your bed before bedtime?
J: Sure
N: I don't want to sit on this side though, because of the rocks. (referring to my side of the bed)
J: What rocks?
N: Earlier when I was wrestling with dad, I cleaned the rocks out of my toes in your bed.
Yuck!  A conversation about appropriate places to clean the rocks/sand from her feet followed this lovely discovery....also a load of laundry to clean my bed sheets!

Last weekend, Luke had the opportunity to have a new, Stewartville friend over on a day off school, and to attend a birthday party/sleepover for a friend from Rochester.  We've been very blessed by the chance for Luke to still stay in touch with this Rochester friends while also making new friends in Stewartville.  Two worlds coming together.

Last Friday, Luke had the day off school, so he and Nora both got to help out with our monthly Meals on Wheels delivery in Rochester.  I've lost track of how long we've been doing this same route, but it's been over a year for sure so I've gotten to know the recipients by name.  One lady I deliver to is always waiting with her walker at her door and smiling brightly.  She often has a sweet comment for me as well (this week she liked that my sunglasses and shoes matched:)).  I love the opportunity to serve with the kids and to help out the 10 or so recipients on our route.

Brent and I don't buy each other gifts often, including holidays and birthdays, but he surprised me this week with a bouquet of flowers and a massage he scheduled for me in Rochester.  He said it was a thank you for taking care of him after his injury/surgery.  Awww, what a sweetheart:)  
Beautiful!  Plus, the jar/vase will be
nice to use after the flowers are gone.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

We Love Wednesdays

End of Basketball Season
This past weekend brought us to the end of Luke's basketball season.  I've mentioned before, this is our family's favorite sports season.  It was extra fun this year having Brent coaching Luke's team.  It helped us get to know more kids and families in Stewartville, and I may be partial, but I think Brent's a good coach.  The team ended the year on a high note, winning third place in the fifth grade B4 state tournament.  The boys also had a great weekend staying in a hotel together:)
Handing out medals

Crazy big trophy
Proud to call these mine
Add in the basketball trooper
She keeps herself busy through LOTS of games!

Lego Batman Movie
As a result of basketball season being over, we've got more free time outside of work and school!  So, I surprised the kids with an outing to see the Lego Batman movie after school on Tuesday.  I enjoy coordinating schedules and keeping our family life ticking, but down time is also very important to our family of introverts.  It's nice to see some extra free time on the calendar with spring on the horizon.

Small Victories
I volunteer at an after school program in Rochester called Friendship Place.  This past week I had a great experience with a couple of the girls while we worked on a science project.  These two little ladies (I believe they are first graders) are best friends, but they are also a perfect storm some days (think: dramatic, competitive, picking at each other, tears, etc.).  The kids all chose a partner to build a bridge out of paper and tape and the bridges would be tested by how much weight they could hold.  I helped the two little ladies because they were some of the youngest kids doing the project.  They absolutely rose to the occasion!  I was beyond impressed by their teamwork and sharing and I was sure to encourage them for it.  In the end, their bridge won by holding the most weight.  They were ecstatic!  I told them how proud I was of them for working together nicely and how well they did on the project.  One of the girls said "Yeah, and we didn't even fight!":)  It was such a blessing to see the joy and pride in their faces after accomplishing their project.

I've been in a bunco league for several years now (at least before I had Nora, but not sure how many years) and last week was bunco week!  I hosted the group and Nora was a great helper getting ready.  She's currently very interested in helping with things at home.  She even begged me to help clean the toilets:)  (Yes, you read that correctly.)  I love working with my little helper:)

Michigan Big 10 Champs
Brent's basketball season was done December 8th, when he ruptured his Achilles.  Luke's basketball season was done on Sunday.  But, the Michigan season is in the heat of the battle!  Our family was very excited to watch Michigan win the Big 10 Tournament and we're excited to see how they do in the NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament starting this weekend!

A taste of the process of Nora picking her bracket

Chuckling over Nora's picks:)
March 14 marked the one year anniversary since our move to our new home in Stewartville.  It certainly doesn't feel that long, but we're really loving the house, neighborhood, and schools!  I'd say we're settled in well, though we're still working on random projects around the house to make it ours.  Even from last year's post when we moved in, I can see things that we've changed/added.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

We Love Wednesdays

Many of this week's favorites were simple, everyday conversations or happenings rather than big events.  The "stuff of life" I guess:)

Rock Climbing
For Luke's eleventh birthday party, he chose to invite his cousins and friends from his old school (Gibbs) to go rock climbing at Roca and then have a sleepover at our house.  It's been great that Luke has stayed in touch with a few of his good buddies from Rochester and they have gotten together a few times in the year since we've moved.
The funny conversation that stuck out to me was between Brent and I while watching the rock climbers.
B: "That lady sure is demanding telling her boyfriend/husband which hold to reach for next." (This is common practice for the person belaying (on the ground) to guide the climber to see which hold to reach for next since the climber cannot always see all of the options easily.)
J: "I don't think you and I would do well rock climbing together.  You don't like it when I tell you what to do."
B: "True. But, don't think you're special. I don't like it when anyone tells me what to do."
(You have to know my husband and his sarcastic personality to know this was not at all mean-spirited, just his sassy self;))



Zach, left, and Joe, right

L to R: Joe, Charlie, Luke

L to R: Charlie, Luke, Zach

Mekhi at top and Joe on right

L to R: Joe, Charlie, Luke, Zach
Nora's Sleepover
When cousin Mekhi was invited for Luke's birthday party and sleepover, Aunt Cally was kind enough to invite Nora for a sleepover.  Nora was psyched!  (And, it worked out great for Luke to have the house with his friends sans his little sister;))  Cally, Annalise, and Nora all stayed at Ruth and Kerry's for the "girls' sleepover".  She packed a bunch of her favorite, small toys and Cally treated them to Ground Round for dinner.

Pics courtesy of Cally

Wearing Cally's hat

Somehow Nora and I started talking about the song YMCA and how you can make the letters with your arms.  She thought this was great and had never heard the song.  I found it on YouTube and Brent was going to teach her the actions while I made dinner.  This quickly turned to a meltdown when, on her first try, she couldn't make the letters with her arms as fast as the song.  (Yep, this really happened.)  As Nora left the room dramatically, Brent and I had the following exchange:
B: "Are both of our kids perfectionists?"
J: "Sorry, that'd be my fault"
(If you know me, you know my perfectionist tendencies.)

In Her Element
Often, when the kids and I get home from work, school, daycare, we all like a little down/quiet time (we're all introverts).  It's common for Nora to retreat to her room to play, color, or whatever she comes up with.  Monday afternoon, she had an entire Mickey Mouse Clubhouse world set up in the living room.  I just love seeing her in her creative element.

Nora had a pretty awesome Tuesday this week.  Brent's mom, Ruth, has days with Nora a couple times a month while Brent and I work and this Tuesday was one of their days.  Nora loves her Brown Gma Days.  She is typically the only one there and gets all of Gma's attention:)  This Tuesday, Gma found lots of old jewelry and Nora loved trying it all on.  I think she especially loved the clip on earrings.  Then, Tuesday night, Nora and I went to an event at "her school" (through Community Education) called March Mug Madness.  We got to make chef hats, mix the ingredients for cakes in a mug, and play in the gym (obstacle course and parachute).  It was a fun night together!


Even more!

Fancy belt too
(She's looking SO tall)
Chef Nora

Adding ingredients to their mugs

Parachute time!

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

We Love Wednesdays

I am happy to report that we are in the midst of a quiet week (insert content *sigh*).  Luke got his turn at the head cold/cough that's been going around, so it's been nice to have extra time at home.

Snow Day
Last week's snow storm came on the perfect day: Friday, my day off:)  Everything on the calendar, including school, was cancelled and Brent decided the morning of to stay home as well.  It was a lot of heavy, wet snow...not my favorite part...but we had a relaxing day at home otherwise.  Brent and I even worked together (with Nora help...she loved being part of the team) putting up some shelves I'd gotten at IKEA the weekend before.

Our front door...
this was just snow that had blown and stuck,
I did not hit it with the snowblower.
Saturday, the day after the snow storm, Luke had a basketball tournament in Austin, MN (just 30 miles from Stewartville on the interstate).  The tournament was fun, the boys played 3 games, and took 3rd place.  Basketball season is the favorite sports season for our family (Brent and Luke would say football is their most fav, but, the most people in our family enjoy watching/playing/coaching basketball:))  It's hard to believe we're getting to the end of the season, as the Austin tournament was the second to last tournament of the season.  Anyway, I'm getting off topic.  The stand out blessing of the day to me was that my grandparents were able to make it to two games.  They live in Albert Lea, MN (just 20 miles on the other side of Austin on the interstate).  Thankfully the roads cleared enough for them to join us and we even got to have Culver's together before leaving town.  Such a nice addition to an already good day:)

I learned last week that there is a preschool parent/child gymnastics class in Stewartville this spring.  I asked Nora if she would be interested and she loved the idea.  (I described it as jumping and doing fun stuff like you do on the big toy at the park;))  Class doesn't start till April, but I'm excited to check it out with Nora and to see what she thinks of it.  I have a feeling it will be a blast!

Sleeping Arrangements
The past few months, Nora had become a permanent fixture on Luke's bedroom floor overnight.  Last week, Luke told us and Nora that he wanted her to move back into her bedroom.  (I was very proud of our usually quiet boy for voicing his opinion.)  Of course, Nora did not like this news, but Brent did a great job making it a fun transition.  Nora has a trundle bed under her daybed, so he set up a space on the second mattress for her stuffed animals to have a sleepover.  Nora loved it:)  Thanks to Brent's creativity, the transition back to her bed has gone very well.  An added bonus to them sleeping in the own rooms is that Nora and Luke yell "goodnight" to each other from bed. It's very sweet to hear and Nora gets the biggest smile knowing she was remembered by her brother:)

Nora's sleepover buddies

And, this was just a sweet moment I captured...

They both love the piano and Luke is currently learning to play The Sound of Silence by Simon and Garfunkel.  Nora likes to sing along while he plays and she's always fascinated by Luke practicing the piano.  She'd like to start her own lessons with Grandma Ruth when she turns 5:)