Wednesday, March 8, 2017

We Love Wednesdays

Many of this week's favorites were simple, everyday conversations or happenings rather than big events.  The "stuff of life" I guess:)

Rock Climbing
For Luke's eleventh birthday party, he chose to invite his cousins and friends from his old school (Gibbs) to go rock climbing at Roca and then have a sleepover at our house.  It's been great that Luke has stayed in touch with a few of his good buddies from Rochester and they have gotten together a few times in the year since we've moved.
The funny conversation that stuck out to me was between Brent and I while watching the rock climbers.
B: "That lady sure is demanding telling her boyfriend/husband which hold to reach for next." (This is common practice for the person belaying (on the ground) to guide the climber to see which hold to reach for next since the climber cannot always see all of the options easily.)
J: "I don't think you and I would do well rock climbing together.  You don't like it when I tell you what to do."
B: "True. But, don't think you're special. I don't like it when anyone tells me what to do."
(You have to know my husband and his sarcastic personality to know this was not at all mean-spirited, just his sassy self;))



Zach, left, and Joe, right

L to R: Joe, Charlie, Luke

L to R: Charlie, Luke, Zach

Mekhi at top and Joe on right

L to R: Joe, Charlie, Luke, Zach
Nora's Sleepover
When cousin Mekhi was invited for Luke's birthday party and sleepover, Aunt Cally was kind enough to invite Nora for a sleepover.  Nora was psyched!  (And, it worked out great for Luke to have the house with his friends sans his little sister;))  Cally, Annalise, and Nora all stayed at Ruth and Kerry's for the "girls' sleepover".  She packed a bunch of her favorite, small toys and Cally treated them to Ground Round for dinner.

Pics courtesy of Cally

Wearing Cally's hat

Somehow Nora and I started talking about the song YMCA and how you can make the letters with your arms.  She thought this was great and had never heard the song.  I found it on YouTube and Brent was going to teach her the actions while I made dinner.  This quickly turned to a meltdown when, on her first try, she couldn't make the letters with her arms as fast as the song.  (Yep, this really happened.)  As Nora left the room dramatically, Brent and I had the following exchange:
B: "Are both of our kids perfectionists?"
J: "Sorry, that'd be my fault"
(If you know me, you know my perfectionist tendencies.)

In Her Element
Often, when the kids and I get home from work, school, daycare, we all like a little down/quiet time (we're all introverts).  It's common for Nora to retreat to her room to play, color, or whatever she comes up with.  Monday afternoon, she had an entire Mickey Mouse Clubhouse world set up in the living room.  I just love seeing her in her creative element.

Nora had a pretty awesome Tuesday this week.  Brent's mom, Ruth, has days with Nora a couple times a month while Brent and I work and this Tuesday was one of their days.  Nora loves her Brown Gma Days.  She is typically the only one there and gets all of Gma's attention:)  This Tuesday, Gma found lots of old jewelry and Nora loved trying it all on.  I think she especially loved the clip on earrings.  Then, Tuesday night, Nora and I went to an event at "her school" (through Community Education) called March Mug Madness.  We got to make chef hats, mix the ingredients for cakes in a mug, and play in the gym (obstacle course and parachute).  It was a fun night together!


Even more!

Fancy belt too
(She's looking SO tall)
Chef Nora

Adding ingredients to their mugs

Parachute time!

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