Monday, July 8, 2019

Jace ~ 10 Months

I think this every month, but this boy sure is in a hurry to grow up!  Many people tell me he's trying to keep up with his bigger siblings. 

Fun - The day after I posted Jace's 9 month update, he started pulling himself to his feet and became a pro very quickly.  This also lead to him wanting to climb the stairs.  As long as someone is right with him, he can make it all the way, but he has a tendency to stop and sit down without understanding he could fall down what he just climbed.  He's also showing more personality this month as he has learned to clap and "dance" which involves shaking his head back and forth and bending at the knee if he's standing.  It's fun to see what he enjoys that gets his dancing or clapping reaction :)  He pushed through his 5th tooth on June 12 (second tooth on bottom right) and he's working on the matching tooth on the other side as well as the second teeth on both sides of the top. 

Sleeping - Jace continues to sleep in his pack-n-play from 7-8pm to 6:30-8am.  After he got over the double ear infection and his second top tooth in May, he's been laying down without a fuss and sleeping all night without a sound.  We are SO grateful he's a great sleeper!!!  We tried last night to put him to sleep in his actual crib for the first time in a few months...and he HATED it!  He cried and hit his head on the wood railing trying to stand up.  We appeased him and put him back in his pack-n-play :)  He's on a nice routine of a morning and afternoon nap, each lasting from 45 minutes to 2 hours depending on the day. 

Eating - Last month Jace graduated to more table food with us, but we've learned that when he's not feeling well or teething he's much more happy with baby food.  For about 5 days the end of June, he had a low temperature and was fussy (doc said after that he may have had an ear infection but it was clearing by the time we saw her).  During this time, he only wanted baby food, but has since been interested in table food again. We just go with the flow.  He's a good eater and is open to all variety of foods.  He's still eating 4 bottles a day, one at each meal time and one before bed.

Growing - Jace is wearing 12-18 month clothes and size 4 diapers.  When we saw the doctor July 1, he weighed 21.2 lbs.  According to a quick search online, says he's at 50th percentile for weight. 

Lots of family time in June with Mom and Dad off work for a week!

Lots of snuggles with Ericksons while they visited
Jace & Jada

These two love each other

I have to be VERY fast with these pics now!

Always in the mouth!

Standing very steady these days

Jace's first parade at Summerfest in Stewartville

Man, I love these littles!

These two have a special bond

Hanging with Aunt Cally

1 comment:

  1. Such a sweet little guy, and yes he is growing up fast...they always do :)
