Saturday, November 21, 2020

Round Here

Life continues to be impacted more and more by the increasing spread of COVID-19 in our area. 

Brent learned on November 10th that Think would be closing the lobbies of their branches again and he would be working from home through at least the remainder of 2020.  We're sharing an office again and enjoying the extra time together.  

We learned on Tuesday, during Governor Walz's update that winter sports will be postponed through December 18, so Luke will not be starting basketball practices on Monday as planned.  We were also advised not to have other households in our homes during the increasing spread of COVID-19 so our plans for Thanksgiving have been cancelled with Brent's family.  

And, we learned yesterday that Stewartville schools will begin distance learning after Thanksgiving break through January 15, which also means basketball is postponed until school buildings are open again.  

So, life is changing quickly.  We're regrouping and trying to embrace the time together, especially during the holiday seasons.  We've started a list of things we want to do before the end of the year: food to make, treats to bake, Christmas movies to watch, a fun things to do together.  It's easy to think that since we're all home that we automatically get quality time together, but that is not the case.  We have a lot of distractions (electronics) to derail us, so it's helpful for us to be intentional in this unique season.  

Nora's reaction of Gov Walz's updated COVID restrictions.

Snuggling up for a Christmas movie 💓

Pro of having Daddy working from home:  reading a book together before nap.

Oral fixation???  A spoon and a fork in his mouth at dinner.

Hanging with Riggins to watch football last weekend.

The big boys watching the game while also on their phones.

Sweet Erik shared his tablet with Jace to watch a cartoon.

Here's to a blessed and healthy holiday season in the midst of unique times💓

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