Thursday, December 24, 2020

Christmas Gratitude

Christmas looks different this year, which I guess makes sense since nearly all of 2020 has looked different than any of us planned.  

I've read a couple devotions this week about setting realistic expectations for the holidays.  This is valuable any year, but I think especially this year.  

I am choosing joy and gratitude.  I am grateful for the following things that bring me joy 💕

  • Luke - I love watching him grow into a young man.  Looking back on pictures from last Christmas it is unreal how much he has grown and matured physically.  He is a handsome, strong, yet still gentle, young man who I sometimes mistake for Brent when I see him out of the corner of my eye or hear his voice from the other room.  I love the smirk he makes when he catches an adult joke between Brent and I.  I admitted to Luke recently that I don't know what I'm doing raising a teenaged boy (I only grew up with a sister) and that I am continually reminded now that he's in high school how quickly our years at home together will pass.  I am grateful for our sweet guy who loves to connect with his little brother.  The 12 year age gap has not hindered their relationship 💙

  • Nora - I love hearing about what goes on in Nora's mind, which is seemingly always at work.  She is constantly learning, finding ways to be creative, and is both disciplined (in what is asked of her) and very random (in starting projects that never quite get finished) 😊   Her list of aspirations is long and I can't wait to see how they come to fruition in her life.  She is beautiful, strong (though she doesn't look it nor does she realize it in herself), still a little girl but is definitely transforming into a long and lean "big" girl.  Her smile (often changing with more lost teeth) shows the light within her and I love the tiny freckles on her cheeks.  I am grateful for this stage of life with Nora when we spend a lot of time together doing projects, reading, or watching movies 💜

  • Jace - I love so many things about our toddler.  I love his laughter, hilarious facial expressions, how he wants to be involved in every conversation, and his all-around pudgy body.  I've watched Luke and Nora outgrow their baby bodies and I can't pinpoint the age when their cheeks lost their chubbiness or their feet grew long and I'm trying very hard to savor the pudgy years with Jace.  I love his energy, his little voice that shares new words and thoughts often, and his love for his favorite blanket and lambie.  It has been fun to watch his circle of people and experiences expand this year as he started daycare.  It absolutely brings me joy to know he is well cared for and enjoying his time with new friends 💚

  • Brent - Seventeen years and I still like him and love him 😍  He's a great complement to me in so many ways and I've enjoyed having more time together this year as a result of the pandemic.  We enjoyed lots of projects, walks, and conversations.  I love doing life with him by my side 💗

  • Our Families - We are grateful that, as of two days before we plan to gather, that we have plans to see each other safely this Christmas (barring everyone stays healthy, of course).  We haven't gotten as much time together this year, but we've gotten creative in spending time together online and mostly outdoors.  The end is in sight with the vaccine being distributed so we hope to keep everyone healthy so we can gather again (normally) sooner than later.  
  • Lady Friends - I have several amazing ladies that bless my life. I was still able to see many of them outdoors or masked this year, just more sparingly than normal.  These ladies know me, love me, encourage me, make me laugh, make me better, and absolutely make my life more full.  Their texts and video calls have been an incredible blessing this year and I am grateful for each of them for unique reasons.
  • Church Family - I am grateful to our church staff for keeping us connected in this isolating time and for all the effort put into making safe gatherings for us to still worship together.  My heart is filled by seeing familiar faces, learning and worshiping together.  
  • Work - I am grateful for a wonderful team of coworkers, the productivity and ambition that works provides, and the pay and benefits that were not interrupted by the pandemic.  Fifteen years at Mayo, 6 of those years in this role and I'm still challenged regularly and love the opportunity to serve our team.  I've even got the added benefit of working from home now so I can stay warm in the house on these cold, winter days!
Merry Christmas all!  I hope you find the joy and opportunities for gratitude this Christmas season while remembering the reason for our celebration:  love's pure light, Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. And I am grateful for each of you. What a wonderful family that I enjoy as part of mine. Looking forward to the 27th.
