Monday, April 4, 2011


You have probably noticed that I have quite a memory.  I remember dates or at least the time frame in which events happened pretty easily...I guess it's just the way my mind works.  Well, today I have another significant date. 

This week last year, I reluctantly decided to join Weight Watchers at work.  I posted about my Weight Watchers experience back in October.  But, here I am a year out from the catalyst of my change, and I am recommitting.  The last year has taught me that I CAN set my mind to a self discipline and make a change.  The last year has also taught me my triggers and my struggle points with weight management.  As of Friday, April 1, I have recommitted to tracking Weight Watcher points and exercise points daily.  I have kept up on my Weight Watcher's lifetime membership by weighing in once a month at Weight Watchers, but I have crept up to the top of my goal after the holidays this winter. 

(To clarify, each person sets their own weight loss goal with Weight Watchers, once it is met and maintained for 6 weeks, you become a lifetime member.  Then, you are required to weigh in monthly and stay within two pounds of your goal weight to keep a free lifetime membership.  I chose my goal weight near the middle of my healthy BMI weight range.)  

So, I am recommitting to get back to the bottom of my committed weight range and hope to lose a few pounds beyond as well. 

Wish me luck!


  1. Good luck Jen!!! I do weight watchers online. With Nursing I am having the hardest time losing weight. I guess some people lose the weight fast with nursing and others hold on the way in order to keep up their milk supply. That's me unfortunately. I'm right there along with you!

  2. I meant to say hold onto the *weight in order...

  3. Weight Watchers has been such a blessing for me:) I really liked going to meetings last year when it was at work since I knew a lot of people there too. I just haven't gotten back into meetings since the group quit meeting at my work. I was down 1.6 this week though so that was encouraging:)

  4. That's awesome Jen, you are my inspiration. Just when I think I finally reach my goals, I fall back into old ways and here I go again...sigh, I need to get back to my goal too!
