Saturday, October 16, 2010


As I've mentioned before, I started Weight Watchers in April of this year. I met my goal of losing 30 lbs in August and have maintained the weight loss for two months. But, I feel like I'm getting too lax in my eating and not putting exercise high enough on my priority list. SO...I'm am posting for myself give myself perspective of where I've come from and how far I've come.

In April, I was concerned. I got on the scale to find that I was at the top of the 15 lb weight range I had been within since having Luke in 2006. (The pre-Luke weight story is even longer, and I don't think I'll get into that here.) I was frustrated with myself, but at a loss about what to do to make a change. I started thinking back to the times in my life that I had been successful at meeting a physical goal (running, weight loss, etc) and I realized that each time I had something I was committed to (a team or date). Around the same time I was thinking about my weight and what to do about it, a mass email was sent at work about Weight Watchers meetings that met at my building during one lunch hour a week. Honestly, I wasn't very excited at first. I didn't want to get all touchy-feely with a bunch of people who would have to know every thing I ate and every pound I lost (or gained). The reality was that I didn't have any other ideas, so I decided to attend one Weight Watchers meeting to see what it was all about. I remained skeptical the first week I was getting into the program, but I was pleasantly surprised when I lost 5 lbs the first week! My leader, Sherlyn, was a great encouragement and I learned that I did not have to share any details about my weight with the group. We were all there to support one another in the journey to our goals (which were different for each of us). So, I got hooked, got good at tracking my points, and got motivated to exercise again, specifically running.

Right around the time I started WW, they started a program to guide us toward either walking or running a 5K. It was just what I needed to get my rear in gear! I knew I could run from past experience, but I knew I needed to start from ground zero again since it had been so long. The WW 5K program was just the ticket! I started slow and worked myself up to running a 5K. It felt so good to have the "after run buzz" again. That is probably my favorite part of running:)

The rest is history (recent history:)). I learned to think in less "all or nothing" terms about eating and exercise. Even if I didn't make good food choices at lunch, didn't mean I needed to throw out the entire day and eat poorly. Or, even if I couldn't go for a 4 mile run, didn't mean it wasn't still benefiting me to run or walk 2 miles. It sounds simple, but it was an important break through for me.

Today, I find myself at the end of my "birthday week" know, the week when everyone wants to take you out to eat to celebrate and when you think "hey, it's my birthday" and give yourself permission to eat all of the treats. I haven't exercised all week, was feeling under the weather most of the days, and eating more than I should. Sounds like a recipe for disaster...if I kept it up...but the week ahead is a new week!

So, I am posting today to remind myself:

  • that I have come a long way
  • that it took a lot of work and commitment to lose what I've lost
  • that I do not intend to lose the ground I've gained

I didn't take official "before and after pictures", but I have a couple pics that I think will show the progress.

Easter ~ April 4, 2010

October 5, 2010

1 comment:

  1. Good job, Jen. I've been trying to commit to something like this as well, so it's nice to read about your success! I've started running, but can't seem to bring the same focus to eating better...
