Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Me, Myself, & I

Last week, due to last minute changes in work schedule, etc, I was left home alone.  (Kind of sounds like I'm a pet;))  Anyway, Luke had gone to Pine Haven Christian Assembly for Family Camp with Greg, Cally, and their kids for the week.  Then, on Tuesday, Brent and Nora left to join them.  I, on the other hand, worked Monday through Wednesday which made it not worth the 10 hour round trip drive to Park Rapids for one day at camp.

I'm an introvert, I like alone time, but during this season of life with young kiddos I don't get it very often.  So, I decided to take advantage of the opportunity to enjoy a quiet house, the ability to operate on my own schedule, and to remind myself of my self sufficiency:)  Below are my thoughts on each...

Thoughts on Mowing the Lawn - My attempt at self sufficiency
  • If the mower is self propelled, I couldn't make it work (I later learned that the self propeller doesn't really work any more)
  • I'm weak, especially in my upper body, and Brent makes it look easy even without the self propeller
  • When I was about 2/3 done mowing the yard, the handle on the mower broke.  I tried fixing it like any genius...with duck tape...but that only lasted a few minutes.  I was reminded yet again how thankful I am for our siblings living in our neighborhood.  Ross loaned me his mower to finish up:)
  • If I were truly by myself, I'd hire my yard mowed or live somewhere that I didn't need to do it myself (i.e. town home).
Thoughts on Operating on My Own Schedule
  • It's nice having a break from the routine, but sometimes I forget it's meal time...then I get hungry and desperate and don't want to cook for myself.  Hence, I ate out most meals.
  • There are no excuses for a dirty house, dishes in the sink, etc...I'm the only one there so the mess is my fault and my responsibility.  

Thoughts on a Quiet House

  • Living with a two year old equals constant noise during her waking hours.  It was quiet...very quiet last week.  

I welcomed the break, but I sure missed my loves.  
We were reunited Friday at lunch and we are all happy to be back together...where we belong:)


  1. Once kids enter our lives noise gains special appeal. It has felt very quiet since 2005 at our house.

  2. I'm a lot like you Jen.... Introvert, love alone time, but miss all the noise when it's not here. Loved reading your thoughts
