Monday, July 21, 2014

One Mom Weighs In

I'm not entirely sure why, but I feel compelled to write about weight...specifically body image and health as a mother.  (Men, this may be TMI.  Ladies, I hope it's empowering.)

I'm sure you've heard the "Know Your Numbers" campaign from the American Heart Association.  I just had my numbers checked:

Total Cholesterol - 116           (Desired under 200)
HDL (Good) Cholesterol - 53 (Normal: 40-59)
LDL (Bad) Cholesterol - 54    (Desired under 100)
Triglycerides - 46                    (Normal under 150)
BMI - 24.2                             (Calculator if interested)

Now, for some important "mom numbers" as I like to call them:

Pregnancies: 5
Pregnancies carried to term: 2
Pregnancies lost in first trimester: 2
Ectopic pregnancy: 1
Abdominal surgeries: 2 (c-section and laparoscopic removal of fallopian tube after ruptured ectopic pregnancy)
Weight range in adulthood: 125-223 lbs

I am proud of the numbers in the first section above.  They show I am in a healthy range and that exercise and conscious eating have their benefits.  But, I feel like the numbers in the second section above tell a lot more about who I am.

I am a mother.  I am nearly 33 years old.  I will not weigh what I did at 18 (125lbs).  My body has grown human beings, stretched (with marks, all over, to prove it), delivered, nursed, shrunk, and it still jiggles to prove it.  Do I resign myself to these facts and let myself go?  No, because I have a lot more mothering left to do and I need to be healthy to do it.

This is not to say that there are moms who can still rock a bikini.  I am simply not one of them.  But, I can take pride in the efforts I make to be healthy, to be strong, and to keep up with my children, nonetheless.

I am Jen, mother, wife, employee, family member, and friend and I weigh 150lbs.  I embrace my soft middle, my smile lines (aka wrinkles), and my scars because they tell my story of motherhood.  I couldn't possibly have the same body I had in high school, because 14 years later, there is so much more to me.  


  1. Wow....such an inspiration Jen you really hit it on the head about the numbers in both example and about which really defines you. A lot of young mom's may feel inspired by your positive position on your body after babies! Bravo jen... you are beautiful both inside and out...."soft middle" and all :)

    1. Thanks for your encouragement Jackie. I've really been rethinking health, balance, and reality this past year:)

  2. Love this post Jen. There is SO much to you! To me, you look healthy and strong and beautiful, inside and out.
