Friday, March 22, 2013

High Five for Friday

Digging into her toy basket
Luke's project from school (click on pic to
see larger or read below)
Who is worth more to you than gold?  
My dad because he plays with me.  What does he play with me?  He wrestles with me.  He plays football and basketball with me.  

Lil Baller
Loved finding Luke's addition to the grocery list
(He wanted to try the Jimmy Dean sandwiches
 that he saw on a commercial:))
Snuggles with Daddy before bed

  1. I've enjoyed a day and a half extra with my hubby home this week.  He took some time off to watch the NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament, so he's been home watching games with his brother.  I love having Brent home and the break from work is good for him too.
  2. Last weekend we got to spend a day with Brent's family (well, they were all at Gma & Papa's house at some point during the day:)).  Luke, Ethan, and Mekhi, had a blast playing together as usual and it was fun to see Annalise dote on and entertain the baby girls.  We hadn't all been together for a day of play since Christmas, so the kids were in heaven and it turned out to be a nice, relaxing day for the adults too (read: the kids played well and required little intervention:)).
  3. My sis stopped over one night this week and we finally nailed down our plans for our Beckmann/Moyer/Picker trip "up north."  We're looking forward to a long weekend away together in August!
  4. We've had some nice time with friends this past week.  A dinner date with a friend for Jen, bringing a meal to friends who have welcomed their first baby, and a lady's night/going away party for Jen's friend.  We are so blessed to be surrounded but wonderful friends and family.
  5. Luke's enjoying a sleepover at Gma & Papa's tonight so he can color Easter eggs with Gma and head to Chuck E Cheese in the morning with both.  I just love how Luke loves his grandparents and desires time with them (all of them).  And, Brent and I get a quiet night at home with baby girl:)

Puttin on my Travelin Shoes!

So I've been struggling with a bad attitude recently from the lack of spring in these parts.  I'm trying very hard to get over it and think happy thoughts.  My happy thoughts today are of all the fun travel plans we have in 2013! 

In May, my mom, sis, and I are headed to Chicago for a long weekend over Mother's Day.  I'm SO excited!  The three of us have never taken a trip together and my mom and I have never been to Chicago.  I'm also super excited that it's on Mother's Day weekend.  I think it will be great to have special time with my mom and to get some R&R myself to celebrate the holiday:)

In July, Brent, the kids, and I are headed to Pine Haven Christian Assembly for family camp week.  PHCA is our "church camp", which Brent grew up attending each summer as a camper.  Luke, Nora, and I have never been, but hear wonderful things about it.  I'm excited to experience it all for the first time and especially excited to be attending with lots of great friends.

In August, the Pickers, Moyers, and Beckmanns are headed to Timber Trail Resort in Ely, MN.  Our family is making an attempt to make an annual trip as a family to a cabin for some relaxed family time together.  We're looking forward to checking out a new resort this year.  Hopefully the fishing will be better, right Ross & Brent???;)

In September, Brent and I will be celebrating our ten year anniversary with an Alaskan Cruise.  We'll fly into Seattle and depart on our cruise the next morning for an eight day cruise.  I simply cannot imagine a vacation this long for just Brent and I, while the kiddos stay in Minnesota.  I cannot wait for the amazing scenery, time to relax, time together, and some great food:)

Should be an exciting 2013!!!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Ode to Spring

In reference to my recent posts (Anne of Green Gables and Winter), I thought I'd share my ode to spring from Anne of Green Gables: Book 1, Chapter IV:

A huge cherry-tree grew outside, so close that its boughs tapped against the house, and it was so thickset with blossoms that hardly a leaf was to be seen.  On both sides of the house was a big orchard, one of apple trees and one of cherry trees, also showered over with blossoms; and their grass was all sprinkled with dandelions.  In the garden below were lilac trees purple with flowers, and their dizzily sweet fragrance drifted up to the window on the morning wind.

Doesn't that sound simply heavenly? Cherry and apple blossoms and lilacs are my absolute favorite scents and I cannot get enough of them during their short season of blossoms! Coming soon...well, hopefully!

April 2010 ~ Silver Lake Park
Enjoying the scent with
my then 4 year old

Wranglin Websites

I got the idea for this post from a fellow blogger I know from church.  I love keeping up on Jackie's blog and I thought this post was a fun idea. 

A few of my favorite and frequently visited websites:
  • Oh Life - Oh Life is genius!  I love it for several reasons:  it's easy, it sends me emails (ones I actually want to read), it helps me remember dates, events, and special moments, and it's a momma's best friend for remembering milestones for the kiddos.  In case you don't click on the link above, I've included an image below of the main page that explains it simply:
The site emails me daily (you can set the frequency), I just reply to the email with what happened for the day that I want to remember, and it saves the info in my private profile.  I don't reply to it each day, and I can go to the site to record events that I may have forgotten about or decided I wanted to track.  The other fun piece of this website, is that the emails sent daily include a "Remember this..." that shares something that happened in the past. Just a fun little reminder like this...
I hope I'm explaining how the site works well enough to intrigue you, because it's a very fun, free site:)  (Brent's even gotten hooked on reading the "Remember this..." portion of the emails even though I'm the only one that tracks events.)  I've been using the site for over a year now.
  • Shelfari - I can't remember how I learned about Shelfari, but I started using it for two reasons:  to track which books I've read and want to read, and to share these books with others on my blog (note the bookshelves on the right side of my blog).  The site is tied to Amazon (so your Amazon log in/password is used) and has pretty much any book you'd ever want to find.  There are lots of additional functions you can use like rating books, online communities, etc, but I mostly like to use it to keep track of the books I want to read.  When I get a recommendation from a friend, I add the book to my "Plan to Read" section.  When I want to find a new book to read, I check my "Plan to Read" section for ideas.  Love it!
  • iPiccy - I use this photo editor to make collages, add text to pictures, etc.  I use the site options pretty simply, but there are lots options to check out.  Also free:)
  • Shutterfly - I use Shutterfly to share our photos.  I feel like the world of digital pictures has opened up so many opportunities to share life and experiences through pictures and I love how easy it is to share pictures online!  Shutterfly has free sharing sites, which I use:  I'm a little embarrassed to mention this right now because I've not been keeping it current in 2013.  I also use Shutterfly to create photo gifts (calendars, etc), create photo books, and to order prints of our pictures.  Shutterfly prints some of their products at Target too, so I can just pick them up (other items are mailed).  (Note:  One disadvantage to Shutterfly is that they do not store your photos in their original size, so it is not a back up for photos on your computer.)
  • Blogger - I obviously love Blogger and use it for my own blog, but I also use it to follow other bloggers.  I get a news feed of blog posts by bloggers I follow, which allows me to click on the link to read the exact blog post. 
  • Pinterest - I'm sure you've heard of Pinterest. But, in case you haven't, it's an online bulletin board to keep track of items you want to remember, keep track of, etc.  I particularly love Pinterest to keep track of recipes.  I have several "boards" for different types of food (i.e. breakfast, chicken, appetizers, etc) and I have one board called "Family Approved Recipes".  Once I've tried a recipe and the family gives it their approval, then I add it to the family approved recipes.  It's a great place to look while I'm meal planning and it helps me remember "that recipe I tried one time that Luke liked".  (You know you've done that too:))
  • You all know I use Facebook and share lots of life and pictures with it:)

These are all of the sites I can think of at the moment, but I'll create another post in the future if I come up with some more!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Remember Anne of Green Gables???

Did any of you ever watch the Anne of Green Gables TV Movie from the 80s? 

Well, I just started reading the first book in the Anne of Green Gables Box Set that I got for Christmas.  I can't believe that I never read the books as a kid since I loved the movie so much, but it's amazing how closely the movie follows the book.  I'm half way into the first book and I feel like the movie is playing in my head right along as I read.  This is not the case for many other books I've read and then watched the movie versions.

It's been a very fun trip down memory lane reading the book so far.  I'll have to buy the movie too so I can share both the books and movie with Nora as she grows (it's a pretty feminine story, so I don't think Luke will be interested).  

Monday, March 11, 2013

Blasted Winter...

I'm not a crabby blogger, or a crabby Minnesotan...but I need to vent...

I'm done with winter.

I was simply bitter on Sunday when I knew more snow was coming.  We had just enjoyed a few days of beautiful sunshine, "warmer" days (30+ degrees for those of you outside MN), and I had just shoveled my deck and patio (first time all winter) with hopes that it would not be needed again this season. 

The other fact that added to my bitterness is that I felt like the time change for Daylight Savings this weekend was like a precursor to spring....then we get seven more inches of snow. Come on! 

As I was getting ready for work today, I wasn't crabby.  I was disappointed that Luke got another snow day and that it was once again on a day I had to work (I love cozy, stuck-at-home days with my kids).  I was even thinking positive thoughts like "Well, at least it's warm outside" and "The snow won't last that long in March."

Then I got to work.  More precisely, I parked at work.  As I walked into the building, I bit it. 
Full sprawl...

Flat on my back...

In the parking lot...

With my head bouncing off the pavement...


As if I wasn't bitter enough about the second March snow storm of 2013, then I got whacked in the head by it. 

The rest is incident report at work, a three-hour trip to the E.R. (recommended by a nurse or I wouldn't have gone), and an achy neck and shoulders from the fall. 

The silver lining to this stupid snow?  I did get to snuggle with my kiddos after returning from the E.R. and got some stuck-at-home time being lazy on this "snow day."

Eight Months

Our Sweethearts
At eight months, you are...
  • Mastering the skill of clapping. You've been working on it for a month and can now coordinate your hands together almost every time.  You especially like to clap when music is playing.
  • Becoming a more steady "sitter."  You can now sit up for extended stretches while playing and don't tip over as easily when looking around or reaching for toys.  That ab of yours (the big round one in the middle) must be getting stronger;)
  • Now eating banana without it being blended into baby food and enjoy eating Puffs baby cereal with your fingers.  
  • Working on showing us "so big." You usually put your arms out to the sides when we say it, but you're getting the hang of it:)
  • Getting the last few days out of your 9 month winter clothes.  I'm hoping we get warmer weather soon so you can get into your 12 month clothes that is more for spring/summer.  
  • Talking or singing all of the time.  Your sounds include "ba", "da", "ma", and "na."  You also sing a lot and like to make growling sounds.  
  • Sensitive to Mommy and Daddy leaving the room.  If you are playing well by yourself, it is best that we do not acknowledge you and just keep going about our business.  Why?  Because if we speak to you, then leave the room, you get whiny expecting to be picked up and to become part of whatever we're doing.
  • A continuous blessing to our home and family.  This time last year we knew you were a girl and had chosen your name.  We were very excited for you to join us, but had no idea what a beautiful little person you would be and how much we would love being a family of four.  
Getting tight in the clothes hamper!

I just love this sassy little face:)

Friday, March 8, 2013

High Five for Friday

I have to admit, being in the middle of a Facebook free week, I have been thinking a lot about my High Five for Friday this week and am having a difficult time narrowing it down.  I'm used to sharing posts on Facebook about life and the kids, but this week I'm only sharing via our blog.  Anyway, on to my fav pictures from the week:

Dinner date with my kiddos while Daddy was busy
Beautiful hoarfrost on a March morning

Close Up
Love this sleeper on Nora: the pink is like
her lips and the blue like her eyes:)

This collage is from this morning.  I took pic 1 because I heard Luke reading out loud to Nora while I was doing the dishes.  I just love his nurturing heart and desire to be with his sister.  I think Nora enjoyed Luke reading, but she was also busy playing.  Pic 2 she is diving into her basket in search of toys.  3...She's losing her balance a bit and realized that I was watching her.  4...She tipped over and was wedged between the couch and toy basket.  She never got upset and Luke never stopped reading.  Just a funny little glimpse into our morning:)

  1. I had a lovely lady date with my dear friend Krista last night.  She is such a blessing to me in so many ways.  Recently, I've really appreciated the opportunities to process life stuff out loud with her.  We process very well together Brent even suggests my getting Krista's opinion on things.  I am blessed to call her friend.  Oh, and we enjoyed some wonderful Mexican food at La Poblana and a Shamrock Shake for dessert:)
  2. Nora has started noticing my jewelry and hair recently.  I'm not so excited about the jewelry part, especially my earrings that she loves to pull.  I am, however, loving her playing with my hair.  She is usually gentle and looks longingly at me while she plays with it.  It is just so heartwarming.
  3. Nora is trying her hand at finger foods, well Puffs anyway (the baby cereal that dissolves on the tongue).  I love watching her concentrate and work so diligently to pick them up and get them into her mouth.  
  4. Luke loves reading chapter books now that he's gotten the "all clear" from school.  (He didn't feel like he could read them until his teacher said he could:))  He got the first four Box Car Children books for his birthday and is already on the second book.  We are so blessed that he loves to read and that it comes easily to him.  
  5. It's not often (or ever) that a date with my hubby just falls into my lap, but it did this past week!  I got a note from a couple we know through Luke's former daycare inviting us to a concert tonight.  So, we have reservations at Chester's for dinner and then we'll head to the concert.  I'm looking forward to a night out with my man!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Swimming with Nora

Today we brought Nora swimming for the first time at the Rochester Family Y.  It was so cute to see her little self in a swimming suit:)  She seemed to like the water, but wasn't quite as active as I had expected her to be.  I thought she'd be kicking like crazy, I actually think the water calms and soothes her.  She enjoyed floating around with us and isn't bothered at all by water in her face.  We start baby swimming lessons with her next month, so it will be fun to see what she thinks of that too.

Modeling her swimming suit
Hanging with Daddy
Checking out the water fountains
Having fun!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Quarterback and Receiver

Luke is a huge Denard Robinson fan.  This year for his birthday he asked for a Denard jersey and even sent Denard a letter inviting him to his birthday party.  Brent came through on the first part of his wish.  I had forgotten I took these pictures of Luke posing that he requested:)




High Five for Friday

Reading chapter books!
He's very proud to be reading his new
chapter books from Gpa/Gma Picker.
Boxcar Children see yet another generation:)
Hard working man installing our new faucet
Adorable hood + adorable smile = Irresistible:)
Practicing sitting up in the tub
and chewing her favorite spoon
Holding baby fingers
  1. It was Spa Day at MOPS this week.  Best morning of the year!  Free spa experience including:  a wonderful breakfast spread, a personalized bottle of lotion mixed with the essential oil of your choice, a hair style/up-do, a nail polish application, a paraffin dip for hands, a makeup application, and a gift bag filled with spa goodies.  Obviously a wonderful morning:)  
  2. Brent's been trying out a high protein diet.  Honestly, my first response was not favorable, but I'm trying to see the bright side.  The bright side I found is that there is always fully-cooked meat in the fridge (thanks to Brent's food prep), which makes meal prep even easier for me because I just have to come up with a side or two for Luke and I to eat with it.    
  3. I learned this week that cleaning for and with a friend is the best kind of cleaning:)  I got to spend a couple hours helping a friend prepare her house to sell, and, yes, it was fun!  Maybe I should consider group cleaning more often;)
  4. We got to meet our friends' new baby boy this weekend and hang out over dinner.  It is always so fun to see those we love move into a new stage of life with a new little one:)
  5. So my #5 from last week may not have made a lot of sense, but this week I made a difficult decision that I know was best for our family right now.  I'm not good at setting limits for myself, so this was a big step.