Sunday, April 20, 2014

A Few Firsts...

This Saturday we shared a first with each of our kiddos: Luke's first soccer game and Nora's first haircut.  I love experiencing life with our family, especially the excitement of new experiences.

Luke started spring soccer this week; his first time playing soccer on a team.  The weather wasn't great for practice so they only got one short practice to prepare them for their first game.  The boys had fun and did great, despite the horrible wind.  Second graders in this league play 4 on 4 on a smaller field with smaller goals and there are no goalies.  A pretty nice exposure to soccer I'd say:)  Luke had a great time and was super excited to score twice!

Nora's hair has been filling in more the past few months and it was starting to get shaggy and mullet-ish so we decided to intervene:)  My lovely friend, Cindy, trimmed Nora up nicely and Nora sat quite well enjoying her first ever sucker as well.  This whole experience of having a girl's hair to style (other than my own) is tricky and I don't know how you let it grow out without it looking a hot mess.  So, I was extra grateful for Cindy's help:)


1 comment:

  1. These pictures make me miss Cindy so very much. I'm also a huge sucker for photos of working hands, love the one you snapped. And I think girls with a rat's nest for hair is kind of endearing:)
