Friday, April 25, 2014

For the Love of Reading

I think everyone would agree that a sleeping child is one of the most precious things to witness.  
Well, I'm also a sucker for a reading child:)  

Some of these pics may have made Facebook or blog appearances in the past, but I realized how many of them I had on my phone just from the past two months!
Luke reading aloud from his chapter book to entertain Nora
Cute little butts:)
Snuggles in Nora's room
Man, Luke is getting tall! 
Nora reading to Daddy

Nora wrangled Daddy into reading before
he even got changed out of his work clothes.
Got a new book in the mail and she had to
stop in the entry to read it:)
Bedtime reading and snuggles

Nora likes to go to bed with a small, board book
then we remove it once she's asleep
Side by side
Luke reading aloud while Nora pages through her own book
Oh how I adore these two:)


  1. Jen you are very lucky to have two that love to read, that's not always a given even when you raise them the same, My first born (you know who) is and always was a reader, My boys had NO interest, I tried and tried, did the same routines but neither one of them were having it. They still struggle with reading to this day, Im not sure I could have done anything different. The more I tried the more they bucked, sigh.... Count yourself lucky, it's so good they love it!!!

  2. Yes, Luke IS getting long! LOVE the one where he's laying on his dad's back... his face is the epitome of peace and joy. Your kids, your family, bring me so much happiness. Thanks for sharing your life via the blog.
