Wednesday, December 24, 2014

My Boy

My boy, my boy, oh my heart.

This boy is the apple of my eye and a precious combination of his Daddy and I.  

He, like his Daddy, love sports; has his physical build, blue eyes, pink skin, and blond hair; loves math; and is a sensitive soul.  He, like his Mommy, loves order, planning, efficiency, reading, and school.

He is growing up before my eyes, but I, as always, try to relish in the joys of the moment.

Last weekend, Luke, my mom, sister, and I saw the new Annie movie together.  I don't remember much about the 1982 version other than liking the music and story.  Luke and I both loved it and have become addicted to the soundtrack (much to Brent's chagrin;)).  So, apparently Luke and I also share of love of musicals:)

Looking forward to Christmas and Winter Break with this guy!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

My Guy

I am a blessed woman.  
I am married to my high school (technically middle school) sweetheart and he's the incredible daddy to the children we always wanted.  This week, I'm reminded how very blessed I am by him.  

Our lovely "just because" date last weekend.  More here.


Brent came home from work after a busy day of leading two, three hour long training sessions and finds Nora and I reading on the couch.  He gets a whiff that Nora could use a diaper change (she and I had already negotiated that I'd read her the book before changing her), and before he even changes clothes, he's in her room changing her.  I told him that he was a wonderful man and his response was "I love my kids and will take any time I get to spend with them.  Even if it is changing diapers."


Tonight the kids are going to check out a Christmas light display with my parents so Brent and I have the evening to ourselves.  A nice calm before the busyness of Christmas celebrations:)  I was thinking of enjoying the night at home together, but Brent emailed me at work today and suggested we go out to dinner.  I'll always take him up on dinner out!  (It's not that I dislike cooking, I'd just rather eat food prepared for me;))


Brent following Nora's lead while dancing to Christmas music the other night.  She loved dancing with him.  I share about it here.  


I am a blessed woman indeed.  

Monday, December 22, 2014

One Night with Nora

There is never a dull moment living with Nora...and we love it!  
A few moments from tonight...

Brent made a Santa video for Nora on Portable North Pole and it was hilarious watching her watch it!  She nodded along, responded to Santa, and attempted introducing Luke to Santa.  She was enthralled...every...single...time she watched it (I think I cut her off at 5 times).  It was especially great the first time she watched when Santa mentioned that she was trying really hard to stop sucking her thumb this past year.  Nora's response: "What!?!?   That's not good!"  Brent and I were dying!  


I was making rolls for Christmas Day with Pickers.  Good news Pickers, there is a surprise roll Nora made extra special by licking it;)  Rest assured, she was sick last week, I'm sure she's all out of germs by now:)


Sometimes you just let your two year old play with an entire roll of ribbon while you're wrapping other gifts.  She feels like she's "helping" and, hey, it's Christmas...what better time to give your daughter a little messy, toddler-style joy???:)  


Brent and Nora dancing to Sleigh Ride by Fun.  Nora wanted Brent to dance like her so Brent followed and imitated her every move.  Priceless.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Christmas Favorites

I love and appreciate music oh so much.  I do not have a musical bone in my body and I think that makes me appreciate the musically gifted of the world all the more!  Their ability to sing, play instruments, and compose the songs I love leaves me in awe.  

I've been thinking about our favorite Christmas music as a family and wanted to document our favorites, especially since the kids’ favorites seem to change each yearJ 

Nora’s favorite this year is undoubtedly Frosty the Snowman.  She has a book with the song, she makes Gma watch the movie a few times a week, and she stops in her tracks when she hears it on the radio.  She will often be found sitting with her Frosty book and singing along as she turns the pages (I have yet to get this in video, but aspire too).  It’s pretty stinkin cute!

Luke’s favorite this year is Last Christmas.  I realize this isn’t much of a kid’s song, but he likes it a lot this yearJ  One of his all time favorites is Where Are You Christmas by Faith Hill.  It’s one of the first Christmas songs he requests to hear each year. 

Brent isn’t a big fan of Christmas music but he does have a few favorites: Someday at Christmas, Christmas Song by Dave Matthews Band, and Hallelujah especially the version sung by Justin Timberlake and Matt Morris.  Someday at Christmas is very appropriate for his peace loving and aspiring spirit.

My favorite this year has been Baby It’s Cold Outside sung by Michael Buble and Idina Menzel.  Buble’s voice is perfect for Christmas musicJ  After a special recognition of O Holy Night today at church, I’m also adding it as another favorite.  It’s such an incredible song that tells the beauty of the Christmas story and its impact to our world perfectly.

Oh holy night!
The stars are brightly shining
It is the night of the dear Savior's birth!
Long lay the world in sin and error pining
Till he appeared and the soul felt its worth.
A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn!

Fall on your knees
Oh hear the angel voices
Oh night divine
Oh night when Christ was born
Oh night divine
Oh night divine

Led by the light of Faith serenely beaming
With glowing hearts by His cradle we stand
So led by light of a star sweetly gleaming
Here come the wise men from Orient land
The King of Kings lay thus in lowly manger
In all our trials born to be our friend

Truly He taught us to love one another
His law is love and His gospel is peace
Chains shall He break for the slave is our brother
And in His name all oppression shall cease
Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we,
Let all within us praise His holy name

May you feel the "thrill of hope" this Christmas and be reminded in all of your interactions that "His law is love and His gospel is peace". 

Merry Christmas!

Love Me Some Date Time!

I got to be spoiled by my guy yesterday with a lovely afternoon together, dinner out, and a play....why?...just because:)

We spent a couple hours browsing and shopping on Grand Avenue, St Paul then headed to Minneapolis for dinner at Kindee Thai Restaurant.

After dinner we had a bite of dessert at the Guthrie Theater before seeing The Cocktail Hour.  This was our first time seeing a play on the McGuire Proscenium Stage and we really liked it!

If you've never been to the Guthrie, it's a gorgeous building overlooking the Mississippi River.  I've only ever been in the evening, but even then it has a beautiful view.  Last night was the first time we'd walked out on "The Endless Bridge" and stepped outside on the patio.  It was a misty, warm (by Minnesota December standards) night so it was a little hazy, but still lovely to take in the view.

Exterior (photo from the web)
The Endless Bridge is on the right pointing toward the river
Stone Arch Bridge view from The Endless Bridge 
A quick pic of us:)

Friday, December 19, 2014

Hello Braces!

Today was the big day for Luke...he got his early intervention braces! 


Sleepy at 6:45am


Not very noticeable behind his lower lip
Four braces alternating pink and black (one is hiding to the left)
So as not to be redundant, I'll direct you to my recent posts (one and two) with the background on his need for braces.  But, we also wanted to share what a great experience we've had with all of our appointments at Collins Orthodontics.  We were referred by our dentist and are very grateful for the wonderful option they shared.  Luke, Brent, and I have been kept well informed throughout the process and the staff is warm, helpful, and very engaging.  Luke even got a call this afternoon following up to see how he was feeling after his first day with braces.  Oh, and Luke's picture was Posted by Collins Orthodontics on Facebook (which he was shy about when we told him, but we could tell he liked it;))

Another perk for those hometown Rochesterites, Dr. Collins is a Rochester native:)

Luke's only complaint so far is some discomfort in a bracketed molar when he bites down, but I'm sure that will subside soon.  I don't think it will interfere with any Christmas feasts or treats in the coming weeks;)

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Merry Christmas!

I LOVE Christmas card season:  
the fun of sorting through pictures from the year before to add to the card, looking back on the year to decide our "favorites", and, of course, receiving Christmas cards in the mail!  

No other time of year, except maybe your birthday week, is the mail ever filled with so much fun:)

But, the reality is that I cannot and do not send a card to everyone I know.  (Ahem, stamp prices...)  So, I share with you here a few of our favorite pictures and our favorite memories from 2014.

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas as you celebrate with family and friends and reflect on the closing of 2014.

~ The Pickers ~

Friday, December 12, 2014

A Fun Tooth Pull

As I mentioned in my last post, Luke is in the middle of a month of dental and orthodontic visits leading up to Christmas.  Today was the tooth pull at the dentist.  His remaining lower canine needed to come out prior to getting his braces next week.

Brent and I both came to the early morning appointment and I hung in the waiting room with Nora while Brent went to the exam room with Luke.  We exchanged the following texts during the 45 minute procedure:

7:17 a.m. from Brent:
Getting ready
7:24 a.m. from Jen:
And, in the waiting room...

Luke and the dental team did GREAT!  He said he didn't feel the novocaine shot (after the laughing gas and numbing gel) and didn't complain about any pain all day.  He had a cheese burger, fries, and shake for lunch and Jimmy John's sandwich and chips for dinner. Thank you Family Dentist Tree!  Brent said they had great terminology to explain to Luke what they were doing and made it a very pleasurable experience.  

Nora also did great hanging in the waiting room. They had her three favorite things: puzzles, books, and Christmas music playing. She easily kept herself busy and, as you can tell from the picture, made herself right at home:)

Now, on to braces next week...

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

An Update...Just Because

I keep meaning to write a High Five for Friday each week, then Friday passes me by.  So, I'll just write a random update of what each of us has been up to....


Our not-so-little man is approaching nine years old and has entered the world of orthodontia.  We learned, during a routine dental visit, that he has an adult tooth that is impacted.  I guess the adult teeth around it took over the space needed for the now-impacted tooth to come in.  The plan is to do "early intervention" on Luke's lower front teeth so the unruly teeth get moved back to their appropriate spaces.  By Christmas, he'll have braces on his four front, lower teeth and will have another tooth pulled to help center everything.  Luke's being a trooper about the process and we're trying to keep him informed about what to expect because he likes a predictable world:)  The hope is that the braces will only need to be on for a year at most, then we'll let the rest of his baby teeth and adult teeth finish their processes of falling out and coming in before determining any additional orthodontic needs when he's older.

Our handsome boy


Nora's been busy honing her toddler skills like: thinking outside the box, oblivion to the world around her, lack of subtlety, and initiating a chasing game anytime she's called.

Thinking Outside the Box: Tonight she had shells and cheese and carrot sticks with veggie dip for dinner.  She kept herself busy using her carrot sticks as paint brushes for her veggie dip and nicely decorated her bowl. She also discovered that the pasta shells were the perfect size to fit on the tips of her fingers (she really likes things that fit her little fingers these days...think waffle holes:)).  Suffice it to say, she had an entertaining meal.

Toddler Oblivion and Lack of Subtlety: Tonight at the grocery store, she stood at the end of the check out lane, thumb in mouth, watching people.  She received many smiles and sweet comments and told me nice and loud that she was "watching the people".  Last weekend, we all went to the Penguins of Madagascar movie in the theater.  (Nora does great in the theater as long as we're watching an animated show.)  After the movie, there was some upbeat music playing during the credits.  Naturally, she felt the need to go to the front of the theater and bust a move.  She literally danced until the credits were through and the theater employee came in to clean up the trash.  All the while she said "I'm dancing, I'm dancing!"

She is always good for a laugh and her giggles of joy make the frustrations of chasing her for every diaper change well worth it:)

Our precious girl


This fall Brent decided to grow a beard.  I have known him for 19 years and have never seen him with a beard.  I really liked the end product, even though it tested Brent's patience waiting for it to fully "come in".  Last week, he decided to give it up.  After only six weeks with a beard, it was strange to see him without it again.

My man

I think you can see his beard better here


I'm mostly keeping busy with my holiday season goals and thoroughly enjoying the season.  We're DVRing Christmas shows to watch together, filling in our advent wreath from Gma Ruth, and enjoying Christmas treats I made last week at a Community Ed class.   We had a great Thanksgiving hosting my grandparents, uncle and aunt, my parents, and my sister and family and got to spend the rest of the weekend with more family and friends.  It's truly been a joyous season already and we're only half way through:)

Thanksgiving snuggles with mine and Piper (who was sleeping)

Oh, and I nearly forgot...after nine and a half years working at Mayo, I have downtown-ish parking! (I say downtown-ish because it's still considered a shuttle lot, but I take advantage of the walk.) I got my new parking tag and used the lot I now have access to today for the first time.  I only walk about a half mile from the lot to work and I can take the skyways/subways to stay inside in the winter.  Woohoo!  I'm telling you people...this is big news in the world of Mayo employees:)

Many blessings to you all!  (I'll be sure to share pics of Luke's brace face soon;))