Saturday, October 24, 2015


This week has been full of blessings, but today I'm particularly thinking of our boy, Luke.

We had his first school conference for fourth grade and really enjoyed chatting with his teacher and hearing about Luke's strengths and all he's been learning.  But, most importantly we heard about his character.  His teacher described him as a "quiet leader", one who leads by example.  We were grinning ear to ear.

Today, Luke finished his third year of football.  It was an exciting game where he got to play wide receiver, running back, corner back, and tight end.  Luke caught some passes and scored a touch down, but he dropped a couple too.  The score ended in our favor and each player got a trophy and lots of treats after the game.  But, again, what did I love most about the day?  Hearing one of the sweet, fourth grade boys saying over and over to each teammate, "It was fun playing with you this season."  And, hugging the coach and hearing him say "it's always great having Luke on the team."  My heart was warmed on an otherwise chilly morning.

We are beyond blessed by this boy:)

Friday, October 2, 2015

What a Day

Today was a pretty typical Friday, but I had some very proud and sentimental moments I want to remember.


Luke started wearing braces last winter (see post).  After about nine months wearing them, his teeth had aligned as needed to make room for his adult canine teeth to come in when they're ready.  In September, Luke had his braces removal appointment and learned all he needed to know about life with a retainer.  Our wonderful orthodontist, Collins Orthodontist, included Brent and I in the appointment so we'd also know the retainer routine and care.  This was about three weeks ago.  Since then, Luke has been incredible at wearing, cleaning, and keeping track of his retainer that he wore 24/7 other than eating.  We were so very proud of the responsibility he took without us even reminding him!  Today, he had his first follow up appointment, everything was looking great, and Luke got the go ahead to only wear his retainer at night.  We are so proud of our boy:)


Nora and I have been going to a PAIIR (Parents Are Important In Rochester) class a few times a month since last January.  It's a great class for us because we get to spend half of it together playing and doing crafts, but we also separate for the second half of the class which allows Nora to get practice in a classroom setting without me.  Nora caught on to the separation part of class pretty fast and has a hard time with me leaving.  Thankfully there are wonderful teachers in her class that handle the kids' separate anxiety with ease.  On our way to class today, I talked with Nora a lot about going to class and how she could have fun when I go to the "mommy class" and that I always come back for her.  Well, today was the day that we made it through the transition to the separation time without Nora crying!  I was so very proud of our girl!  (She is currently sitting on Brent's lap telling him all about the song she sang in class:))

The House

As part of our moving process, Brent and I have decided to sell a lot of things we haven't used in a while or simply don't want/need to move.  Today, I sold the jumperoo that Luke and Nora used when they were babies to a soon-to-be dad.  In some ways it's sad to say goodbye to items that have memories attached, but it was also very touching to talk with this dad who was expecting his first baby in December.  Such a fun, exciting stage of life they are beginning:)

Luke in the jumperoo
Tonight we also got to meet and chat with the couple who is buying our house.  Again, there are a lot of things we'll miss about our home of 11+ years, but it was so heartwarming to hear how very excited this family is to make it their home.


There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot, 
a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to tear and a time to mind,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.  

~Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

Summer of 2015

When I type Summer of 2015, I am totally singing "Summer of '69" in my head;)

I digress.  We had a wonderful summer of 2015 and my lack of blog activity can attest to how much we enjoyed being outside, being with friends and family, and simply soaking in the summer.

I did post about June, but I'm here now to reminisce on a July and August.


July started off with Luke spending a few days at his cousins' (Mekhi and Annalise) house, which meant Nora and I had a few days together at home while Brent worked.  Luke had a wonderful, of course:), and I was reminded what it's like to spend dedicated time with a three year old.  We did crafts, worksheets (aka "homework"), and busy work for her little hands and she loved it.

Craft Time
Wearing her new Elsa dress from her cousins
Snuggles after Luke returned from a few days away
July also brought Nora's birthday.  We spent an afternoon at Oxbow Park and Zoo with Beckmanns/Moyers and dinner out one weekend.  The next weekend we had a party at our house with the Pickers and a few friends.  Nora was SO excited for her party and had very specific expectations: balloons, cake, gifts, and party goers.  We served her favorite foods: pizza and mac n cheese and had Minnie Mouse ice cream cake.

Three Year Old!
One of mine and Brent's favorite summer event is also held in July: the Basilica Block Party.  This year, we met my cousin Steph, her husband Richie, Greg, Cally, and Mekhi on Friday night for Weezer and Nate Ruess.  Luke also joined us for the first time and enjoyed the concert, though the sell-out crowd was a little much for him.  Saturday night, Greg, Cally, Brent and I went back for more.  Brent and I watched Fitz and the Tantrums and had a GREAT time!

Luke climbed a pole
to see above the heads
Richie and Steph
My boy
Steph and I
Luke on Brent's shoulders
(all 75lbs of him!)
Mekhi & Cally
July also brought time at the pool, grilling out with friends, two baseball games a week for Luke, track and field camp for Luke, and play dates with Luke's friends.

Playing Dress Up
Pool Fun with Piper
Stole my flip flops
Luke and Piper


August started off with Luke leaving again!  He spent his first time away at Pine Haven Christian Assembly at youth camp.  He's been to camp twice for family camp week (where you stay with your parents and siblings in a cabin), but he was old enough for third and fourth grade camp.  The first year of camp is only Sunday to Wednesday.  We were blessed with the opportunity for Luke to ride to and from camp with a good friend and his son.  Luke had a great time and I was impressed with his responsibility in taking care of his stuff while away and sharing the spiritual topics he learned at camp.  

Luke and Eli before
leaving for camp

Family pic before Luke left
The second week of August brought vacation for the entire family.  We spent Sunday to Thursday at a cabin in Hayward, WI with Beckmanns and Moyers on La Courte Oreilles lake.  We had great weather and enjoyed a relaxing week together on the water.  Check out my album on Facebook:) 

The rest of August was more low key and we enjoyed more time at home.  We were pleasantly surprised to get a text from our friends in Florida (Kyle and Callie) telling us they would be in Minnesota for vacation.  We were blessed with the chance to have them and their kids at our place overnight and to visit them at their family's church in Mora, MN to hear Kyle share his testimony.  We only get to see them every 1-2 years so it's always great to catch up.

Landyn and Luke playing catch

Nora and Miles getting into mischief:)


Landyn was enthralled by Luke:)

Bonfire fun with special friends


Miles and Nora

Once again, Landyn intently listening to Luke;)
Sunday after church
On the home front, we started potty training Nora the end of August.  After a rough first two days, she had a great first week in her pull ups and we're very proud of her!  We are still certainly in the "high alert" stage where we ask her often about needing to go, but she's also doing much better at telling us when she needs to.  (Update: Potty training is certainly a process and we're certainly not done.)

More August fun:
Cuteness at the park

Twins game with Brent's coworkers

Sassy pants

Bridget and Piper's birthday party

Happy cousins

Elsa and Anna:)

Biker chics

Snuggles with Brent/Daddy

That about wraps up our fun-filled summer.  Thank you to so many of you who filled our summer with wonderful memories:)