Monday, August 27, 2012

Up North

I get a kick out of the Minnesota term "Up North", which for us Southern Minnesota dwellers really means anything north of the "cities" (a.k.a. Minneapolis/St Paul).  I know, lots of jargon to take in for those not from Minnesota:)  My hypothesis is that we use the term "up north" because, other than the larger towns in Northern Minnesota (Duluth, Bemidji, Alexandria), we probably don't actually know where the other little towns are located on the map;)

Anyway, we just got back from our family trip up north with the Beckmanns and Moyers.  Our trip up north included a stop in Duluth on the way to Babbitt where we stayed at the Timber Bay Resort.  This was our second time staying at the resort and we love the place!  It's perfect for our non-camping, non-outdoorsy family (with the exception of my brother-in-law, Ross, who actually likes that stuff;)) because we stay in a fully furnished, modern cabin.  We enjoy a fully functioning bathroom and kitchen, while being surrounded by the beauty of Northern Minnesota.  They also have everything outdoors available like houseboats, canoes, pontoons, kayaks, bikes, beach, and the list goes on.  All in all, a beautiful, Beckmann-family-friendly place:) 

This year, we enjoyed our stay from Thursday to Sunday in Cabin 10....

We felt welcomed even though they misspelled our last name:)

Cabin 10 - The porch on the right (large window) is where our little family slept.

Played and fished in Birch Lake...

Luke and Bridge on the slide

Sweet Boy

Coaxing Tommy into the water...he's not much of an outdoors-man either;)

Ross & Brent headed out fishing

And enjoyed lots of family time playing games, shopping, cooking, and just hanging out.

Nora stretching out after lots of time in the car on the drive up

Hanging out on the dock

Snuggle Brent's expression in the background too:)

Puppy Love

Heading to the water

We had a wonderful time together enjoying each other's company and making memories:)

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sweet Big Brother

The other day I was vacuuming and mopping while Nora napped.  Once she woke up, I told Luke I was going to vacuum her room.  He volunteered to hang with Nora in the living room.  While I was in her room vacuuming, Luke went to get one of his favorite books to read to Nora.  Actually, it was more of a reading/singing combo.  The book is I Love You This Much.  
I Love You This Much: A Song of God's Love (Song of God's Love, A)
Luke got this book when he was a baby from Brent's Aunt Lois. It's a very sweet book that also comes with a CD of a woman singing the story.  Luke has listened to the CD many times and knows the tune well, so when he was reading to Nora he was also singing a few parts.  It was truly one of the sweetest things.  Check out the new link on the top right of our blog called "The Picker Family Videos".  Click "2012 Videos", click "Summer", then "Luke Reading to Nora - Aug 2012". 
This is what I found when I was finished vacuuming Nora's room:
Luke is such an amazing boy and Nora is so blessed to call him Big Brother:)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Six Weeks

At six weeks you are:
  • Still a busy lady.  At five weeks you rolled over for the first time from your tummy to your back.  You surprised both Luke and I who happened to look away when you did it, and then found you on your back:) 
  • Making some progress with napping.  You average two good naps in your crib a day.
  • Now able to snuggle with mommy using our Moby wrap.  You have slept well in it each time we've used it when we're out and about.  It's a great tool for Mommy, since it gives we free hands to shop or play mini-golf with your brother like we did last week...all while you're along for the ride!
  • Showing your lovely smile on occasion:)  We saw it for the first time at five weeks and get to see it almost daily now.  Mommy is still trying to catch a good picture of it though. 
  • Sleeping some longer stretches at night.  Last week you had three nights of getting up only once to eat.   
  • Getting ready for your first trip for a long weekend at a cabin with Mommy's family.  We're hoping you sleep well so everyone else in the cabin can sleep well;)

I had to share this precious moment I caught on video tonight of Daddy and Nora:

Attempting some six week pictures tonight, but you were not a fan...

Catching some lip action

Close up of the lip

Saturday, August 11, 2012

One Month

At one month you are: 

  • Very squirmy.  The other day while you were having tummy time, you nearly rolled over.  You got to your side, but never got your hips/legs over.
  • Growing well.  We're assuming you're about 10lbs now and you're wearing 0-3 month clothes and size 1 diapers almost exclusively.
  • Can be selective about when you want to sleep.  We usually get at least one good, full-length nap out of you throughout the day/evening, but the rest of the time naps are short or intermittent.  You will, however, always nap well when we're on the go (riding in the car, on a walk, etc), so you're easy to bring along wherever we go:)  (This does not afford mommy much time for a nap of her own though...)
  • Very fond of taking baths. 
  • A busy and popular girl.  We've had visitors or been visiting people nearly every day the past couple weeks.  Your social calendar is keeping us busy during maternity leave:)
  • A fan of the Baby Bjorn.  You've been on a couple walks in it recently and have fallen asleep both times. 
  • Such a cutie!  I'm looking forward to seeing your smiles soon and seeing what you look like as you grow into a little girl.  You still look so much like your brother as an infant that it's hard to imagine what the future holds:)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Three Weeks

At three weeks you are:
  • Weighing in at 9 lbs 4 oz (72%)
  • Measuring 20.9 inches long (65%)
  • Measuring 14.8 inches in head circumference (80%)
  • Really starting to study the faces of the person holding you and had longer stretches of awake time (the grandmas are especially enjoying this since they have both gotten quality awake time with you this week for the first time:))
  • Learning to sleep in your crib during the day a little better every are taking a second nap in your crib today as I write!
  • Quite a "spitter-upper", but it never seems to bother you and the doctor said you're growing well so it's just a part of baby-hood
  • Wearing more 0-3 month clothes, but still wearing more of your newborn outfits too
  • Such a beautiful little lady and we are so grateful to call you ours:)