Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Second Grade

It has officially begun...second grade!

Luke has the same teacher as last year because she "looped" (meaning she moved from being a first grade teacher to second grade teacher with her students).  He also has about 20 of the same kids in his class from last year.  Quite a different experience than most kids have going from first to second grade:)

Saying goodbye to Daddy before work

New backpack

Oh this sweet, sweet boy

Caught a pic with Miss Nora too
Last night Luke started feeling anxious about starting school today.  He didn't eat much for dinner and said his stomach was upset and made frequent trips to the bathroom.  This morning he seemed in better spirits when he got up, but I could tell his anxiety was rising as the morning progressed.  He asked that I walk him into school to where he lines up with his teacher.  We made it all the way to the line without any tears.  Then they came:(  I took him aside to chat and got him calmed down, but I had to leave him with tears still on his cheeks but no longer crying.  Oh a Momma's heart!  Brent and I have both been nervous nellies too hoping that Luke's first day goes well:)

I told Luke that he had to get through the "firsts" so it would start feeling normal.  Then I found this quote as a reminder:

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. ~ Lao Tzu


  1. I bet he had a great day, once it got started. Hope you blog about it. He is such a sweet boy :)

  2. Man, he is getting so tall and grown up. I could not imagine a better mom for him. You are wonderful.

    1. Thank you for the encouragement friend...there have definitely been moments this week where I haven't felt equipped to be his mom...
