Thursday, June 1, 2017

First Year of Preschool

Our Nora had a big week of preschool events for the end of the school year!

Tuesday - Family Picnic
Stewartville Early Childhood Family Education is fabulous!  They hosted a family picnic complete with the Teddy Bear Band for entertainment.  Nora was so excited for her picnic that she told Grandma during the day: "I'm trying not to eat too much so I can eat lots at the picnic":)
Nora and Emma:
neighbors, friends, and classmates

Big brothers at the picnic

Wednesday - Last Day of Preschool
Nora finished her first year of preschool!  She was in Mrs. Sara's 3-4 year old class that met Monday and Wednesday mornings.  Mrs. Sara had very nice things to say about Nora in class, how she played with others, and how she developed over the year.  We love Mrs. Sara and are grateful for a wonderful first year of preschool!  

It's hard to believe that a year ago I was wondering how I was every going to drop her off at preschool.  Last spring she was still very clingy and unwilling to go to a class (dance or Sunday School) without crying, or worse, going into hysterics.  She's come a long way baby!  She went to the first and every day of preschool like such a big girl.  We're so proud of her!

Nora and Emma

Thursday - Preschool Program
Each preschool class got to sing two songs at their program today.  The program ended with a slide show of pictures from throughout the year.  The preschool teachers and paraprofessionals were wonderful at taking pictures and sharing them on a private Facebook page for parents.  It was so fun to see what the kids were doing each day...especially when you have a daughter who doesn't always want to elaborate;)  After the program, there were cookies and juice and the kids each got a book from their teacher.  It was a great morning and end to the school year.
Nora found Daddy in the audience, she's all smiles!

Entire class ready to sing "Ladybug" and
"Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star"

Piper was ready for pics after the program:)

Such a big girl!
Photo credits to Luke

Man, she is getting tall!
 And, because I'm a sentimental momma, a few pics from the beginning of the year...

Meet the Teacher Day

First Day of School

After the first day once Luke was home too

Our preschooler:)
This is not the end of Nora's preschool experience.  With her summer birthday, we've decided to wait another year to send her to kindergarten.  We're looking forward to another year with Stewartville School Readiness Preschool, this time in the 4-5 year old class and three mornings a week!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, she has come a long way, she has grown so much in so many ways. You captured the preschool year well. Oh and I must give Luke some props for the photo's he took, good job Luke!!! I love the dress Nora is wearing for her program, such a beauty
