Sunday, April 28, 2019

Jace ~ 8 Months

Eight months...2/3 of a!

Sleeping - Jace is really a great sleeper.  We lay him down between 7-8pm, he goes down without a fuss, and sleeps until 6-7am with a possible interruption or two wanting the pacifier he has lost in the night.  On that note, he is now very much a pacifier baby.  I am TOTALLY cool with that since I know from experience that taking Luke's pacifier as a toddler was SO much easier than stopping Nora's thumb sucking...which we're still fighting 😒  Jace has been working on getting his top two front teeth so that has made sleeping a little more restless the past week or so.  This past week, we felt one had broken through and the other one is swollen under the gum.  Jace is also starting to take longer naps at Papa and Gma's house!

Eating - Still eating 4 bottles a day and baby food 2-3 times a day.  He still hasn't found a fruit or veggie he doesn't like.  We started mixing plain, greek yogurt in with some of his fruits this month too.  He's working on his fine motor skills grabbing Puffs and putting them into his mouth.  He seems to get better at it each day and enjoys sitting in his high chair working on his new skill.

Growing - We had a couple doctor appointments for Jace this month for some diaper rash issues, so we have an accurate weight of 19 lbs 7 oz (62%) as of April 19.  He wasn't measured, but we know he's still short and stout with a big ol' head 😉  Still wearing 6-9 and 6-12 month clothes and size 3 and 4 diapers.

Fun - Jace is quite the explorer.  He started getting on his hands and knees and rocking the beginning of the month, but hasn't figured out going forward yet.  He crawls backward a bit, but mostly still prefers to roll where he wants to go.  Just this weekend, we saw him move from laying down into the sitting position.  He is also very social.  He loves smiling with people in public and getting them to interact with him.  It's amazing what a sweet baby grin will do to pretty much anyone...even the grumpiest looking people 😍  Jace and I were at a restaurant the other day and I'm pretty sure every single table of people that saw him commented on or interacted with him during our visit.  This boy sure is spreading joy!  We've gotten more spring-like weather and Jace is really enjoying spending time outside in his exercauser where he can watch the neighborhood kids play and see other new sights.  He's also been a good rider in the stroller on walks.  I know that isn't the case for all babies/toddlers, so I appreciate that we can enjoy walks together.

He wasn't very into his photos this month

I often find Nora snuggling Jace where ever he is 💗

First time in a swing by himself...
he seemed skeptical

He gets into precarious positions

Jace's First Easter

Beautiful day for the park

Trying out the swing with dad

Trying to escape from big brother


Baby loves selfies!

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