Monday, September 14, 2020

School Year Kick Off!

It happened...almost 6 months to the day after COVID-19 put a halt to schools in the US...our kids have returned to school 😳  

COVID-19 is still very much present, so school looks different, but it's back nonetheless.  

Nora started second grade.  She would have been at her last year of primary school (K-2), but classrooms were reconfigured to give more space and the second graders were moved to a different building for the year to allow for social distancing in class.  The plan to begin the year is for elementary-aged kids to attend in person each day with masks and in larger classrooms.  

Nora started the day with some tears, but rallied and had a very good day!  She said she walked right past her classroom and had to be directed to it, hardly noticed her mask, met a new friend (Alexa, who is not a robot), and rated the day a 9 out of 10.  We couldn't ask for much better than that!

Luke started ninth grade; his first year of high school!  The plan to begin the year is for middle school and high school to attend 2-3 days a week online at home and the other days learning in school to allow for only half the students in the building at a time.  Luke kicked off his high school career in his room, on his couch, watching/participating in class via the laptop.  

Luke got to sleep in later than normal because school start times had to be altered to allow for busing.  He settled in for three class, got about an hour lunch break (a few minutes of which we shared), then finished out the last four classes of the day.  It was really a quiet day at home compared to the past 6 months when we were used to at least 4 of us being home nearly every day.  I was in my make-shift office and Luke was on his couch.  

The night before...

The first morning of school...

Neighbor and buddy, Emma

Fancy "desk"

My heart is full after a successful first day and I'm hoping that it is the beginning of a beautiful year 💗

1 comment:

  1. I love it that the mask was not a deterrent. I love the home desk and how adjustable you all are. There are so many ways to learn. I bet Jace was learning lots, too. Have a wonderful, memorable year.
