Saturday, August 7, 2010

Recent Luke-isms

I told myself that I would blog more with our new blog, but I'm realizing I can't keep up in documenting all of the funny things Luke says. He's been especially funny recently trying to use phrases he hears, like these:

"Daddy, what took you so fast?" - He said this on the car ride home from Duck Lake when he realized we were close to home. He had kept himself busy the entire ride home doing his workbook. And, I thought he would sleep on the ride home...yeah right;)

"There's no sense of humid in here." - He said this when he got into the car on a day that finally wasn't so hot and humid. I think he liked the temperature change:)

"I'm something else with my coloring." - He randomly told Brent and I this while coloring at the kitchen counter the other day. He picked up the "You're something else..." phrase from my mom who says it to him a lot.

And, then there are just the brutally honest comments that come out with no filter or context, like:

"Daddy, you don't look very good with your shirt off." - This one came out nice and loud while he was in a Kohl's dressing room with Brent. We're thinking what he was trying to get at was that Brent looked funny while between outfits wearing dress pants and no shirt:) Luke thinks that guys only go shirtless when they wear shorts and he calls this look being dressed like a "wrestle guy".

In a store, once again, Luke announced loudly today that Grandma, my mom, was too big to sit on a stool in the store and that she would break it. Now, if any of you know my mom, you know that she could probably sit on doll furniture without breaking it:)

It's always fun hearing the comments of those around us when he comes out with these lines:) He can certainly bring a smile to even the most mundane outing!


  1. Those are so fun to read, you guys must just laugh all the time at the things he says. I'm looking forward to hearing Audrey's little thoughts when she gets older :) You have such a sweet boy :)

  2. bahahah! you must have jotted these down quick--they're just random enough to be hard to remember, I bet! they definitely cracked me up, it's just fascinating how his mind works!
