Thursday, June 7, 2012

Kindergarten is Done....Already???

I am so grateful to have gotten the chance to get to know all of the little people in Luke's kindergarten class as well as his wonderful teacher, Mrs. Brown, this year.  I loved helping out in Luke's class regularly and seeing the kiddos learn and grow together.  Luke didn't have any sadness about finishing kindergarten, but I couldn't help but shed some tears as we said goodbye to Mrs. Brown after a fun-filled last day of school.  Luke told us when he went to bed tonight that he was ready to start first grade tomorrow:)

We are so grateful for a wonderful school, sweet kiddos, and a creative and experienced teacher to start out Luke's 13 years of public education:)

Last Day with Mrs. Brown

First and Last Day of Kindergarten
I think it's safe to say he's grown:)

First and Last Day with Daddy and Mommy
I think Mommy wins the most change since September!


  1. Congratulations on a great year, Luke (and mom and dad). You are definitely ready for 1st grade!

  2. What a great little guy you and Brent have, It's so great that Luke loves to learn and apparently would like to attend school all year :)
