Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sweet Big Brother

The other day I was vacuuming and mopping while Nora napped.  Once she woke up, I told Luke I was going to vacuum her room.  He volunteered to hang with Nora in the living room.  While I was in her room vacuuming, Luke went to get one of his favorite books to read to Nora.  Actually, it was more of a reading/singing combo.  The book is I Love You This Much.  
I Love You This Much: A Song of God's Love (Song of God's Love, A)
Luke got this book when he was a baby from Brent's Aunt Lois. It's a very sweet book that also comes with a CD of a woman singing the story.  Luke has listened to the CD many times and knows the tune well, so when he was reading to Nora he was also singing a few parts.  It was truly one of the sweetest things.  Check out the new link on the top right of our blog called "The Picker Family Videos".  Click "2012 Videos", click "Summer", then "Luke Reading to Nora - Aug 2012". 
This is what I found when I was finished vacuuming Nora's room:
Luke is such an amazing boy and Nora is so blessed to call him Big Brother:)

1 comment:

  1. Such a sweet moment, and such a great big brother. Brianna was about Lukes' age when I had Gavin. I remember how helpful she was, and so nurturing to Gavin.
