Saturday, August 11, 2012

One Month

At one month you are: 

  • Very squirmy.  The other day while you were having tummy time, you nearly rolled over.  You got to your side, but never got your hips/legs over.
  • Growing well.  We're assuming you're about 10lbs now and you're wearing 0-3 month clothes and size 1 diapers almost exclusively.
  • Can be selective about when you want to sleep.  We usually get at least one good, full-length nap out of you throughout the day/evening, but the rest of the time naps are short or intermittent.  You will, however, always nap well when we're on the go (riding in the car, on a walk, etc), so you're easy to bring along wherever we go:)  (This does not afford mommy much time for a nap of her own though...)
  • Very fond of taking baths. 
  • A busy and popular girl.  We've had visitors or been visiting people nearly every day the past couple weeks.  Your social calendar is keeping us busy during maternity leave:)
  • A fan of the Baby Bjorn.  You've been on a couple walks in it recently and have fallen asleep both times. 
  • Such a cutie!  I'm looking forward to seeing your smiles soon and seeing what you look like as you grow into a little girl.  You still look so much like your brother as an infant that it's hard to imagine what the future holds:)


  1. Such a precious girl. Every minute is pure joy. Love, Gma

  2. Nora is such a cutie and Luke looks so proud to be her big brother. Love the updates :)
