Saturday, January 26, 2013

High Five for Friday

Last weekend I got to spend a good portion of Saturday with my cousin, Steph.  I'm so thankful for the friendship we share and for the time we're able to spend together every couple months.  Usually our time together involves getting a bite to eat, lots of chatting, and consignment shopping.  Last Saturday, we had an additional task, a HUGE task that is...sorting through pictures found through the years at our grandparent's farm house and, more recently, at Grandpa's apartment.  We sorted pictures for over two hours and set a plan in place to scan the pictures so we can share them with everyone in the family.  (We did get in a late lunch at The Loop and a quick trip to Refashion:))  The project will still take a lot of time to scan, but we've split up the work so we can chip away at the large task.

This month has been interesting with the flooring project at our house, but last weekend was the craziest when everything (except appliances) had to be moved out of our main floor and into the garage or basement and flooring was removed to prep for the new floors to be installed.  By Sunday we felt like hoarders living in our basement...not typically how we roll:)  We were SO grateful to get out of the house to spend the afternoon at Riggin's and to celebrate my Dad's birthday with a dinner at Outback.  Luke was also blessed with a sleepover at Papa and Grandma's and got to escape the chaos that was our house for another day:)  We are so grateful for wonderful friends and family who have helped through our project in so many ways!

I realized this week how very grateful I am to still be breastfeeding Nora and that it's still going great!  I only nursed Luke until he was six months old and by then my supply was waning.  No supply issues with Nora and she's still very interested in nursing.  I love the opportunity to nurse her, that it's gone SO well since birth, and that we can save $$ by not having to buy formula.

Nora and I got to spend the afternoon with my dear friend, Liz, and her son, Jack.  Liz has been in my life since high school and we have SO many memories together.  Mr. Jack is creeping up on his first birthday in March:)  I have to say, our lives sure have changed from when we were in high school and college:)  We had lunch at Applebee's and both Liz and I thought our waiter was in high school, then we remembered it was the middle of the day on a school day, so that wasn't possible.  Then we realized he was wearing a wedding ring....yeah...we're getting old;)  But, I wouldn't want to be getting older with anyone other than Lizzard:)

In the midst of a very busy week, I was able to stop at a couple stores to grab some clearance winter clothes for Luke for next winter.  I scored 3 pairs of sweat pants, 1 fleece, 1 hoodie, and 6 long sleeve shirts for $53.  Gotta love January clearance shopping (at Old Navy, Target, and Crazy 8)!

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