Sunday, November 10, 2013

High Five for Friday...err...Sunday:)

So, I've been working on this High Five for a couple weeks and I missed another Friday...Here goes a High Five for Sunday!


Time with my Luke

The past two weeks, Luke and I have had more quality time together than I feel like we've had in a long time.  Last week we had some Halloween fun with Haunted Hallways, Halloween coloring, made Pumpkin Spice Mini Muffins, and carving pumpkins. I was also able to help out in his class Wednesday morning. Last weekend we had a date night at Color Me Mine and painted one large pottery piece together. Luke is such a sweet, sweet boy and I love our time together:)

Color Me Mine painted pottery
pre-baking in the kiln


Time with my Nora

Nora has been under the weather for about a month.  Among her perpetual teething, she's also had double ear infections and a nasty cold.  As a result, we've been getting a lot more snuggles.  I've been soaking in the snuggles and realizing that our baby girl is transforming into a toddler before our very eyes.  When I dance/sway with her to soothe her, her head rests on my shoulder and her feet reach me mid-thigh.  Oh how quickly they grow!  If for no other reason, I'm soaking in the snuggles while I can still hold her comfortably.
Watching Luke at swimming lessons

First time in overalls and I couldn't get
over the cuteness!

Intrigued by brother's lessons
Proud to be climbing on the
pool chairs by herself

Playing at the Mall play area for the first time


Time with my Brent

We had a lovely relaxing weekend, probably the most low key since our cruise in the beginning of September.  We had lots of family time mostly just relaxing at home.  This Wednesday night, Brent and I also got a night out for a concert at the State Theater in Minneapolis to see Amos Lee.  It was a great concert and the State Theater was a beautiful venue.  All in all a great night!

The beautiful State Theater
Mr. Amos Lee and his talented band


Time with Family

On Halloween we got to see both sets of grandparents, Rochester siblings, and cousins.  The kids also got time with both sets of grandparents while Brent and I had plans this past week.  And, this weekend we celebrated birthdays and anniversaries in the Beckmann family.  We even got to see Greg & Cally for the Amos Lee concert last week.  Lots of fun to be had!


Time with Friends 

We had a game night with friends last week, a play date at the mall this week, and a few other visits with friends in between.  We are blessed to be surrounded by such lovely people:)


  1. So precious. I have a few things to say. Overalls: by far the cutest thing we ever put on the kids. Amos Lee: SO cool! You saw him a few years back, right? Also, you are an incredible mother to recognize how special these moments are with your babes. I am blessed to be your friend.

    1. Yep, we saw Amos Lee a couple years ago at the Basilica Block Party in Minneapolis, just down the road from State Theater as a matter of fact:)
