Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Jace ~ 14 Months

This past month was a complete blur.  Between losing my grandma and a trip to Baltimore, we've been busy with lots of out-of-the-ordinary stuff.

Jace had his first airplane rides and did very well!  Each flight left around 9am.  I put him in the Ergo baby carrier getting on the plane and he slept on me for the first hour of each flight.  He was still groggy for the last hour of the flight, so he was pretty low key.  He was squirmy, but quiet.  We couldn't ask for much more from a 14 month old!  He also did great at our friend's house for the week!

Another milestone this month has been moving Jace from the pack-n-play as his bed to using his actual crib.  Quick history: we moved him to the pack-n-play in February because he started hitting his head on the wooden slats of the crib when he rolled over.  The few times we had attempted to put him in his crib, he acted like we were torturing him.  But, last week, I tried the crib again and he did great.  No hitting his head and no frustration with the change.  It's nice having more floor space in his room again now that we don't have the pack-n-play set up all of the time.

Jace has mastered the word "up" and says it when he wants to be picked up.  He's also saying "na-na" for banana, one of his favorite foods.  He understands when we talk about eating or meals and will respond with "mmmm".  We think he's starting to understand that I'm "mama" because he'll fuss a bit and reach for me while saying it.  He also makes the "muah" sound when we ask for a kiss.

He's still working on pushing through the last two first year molars.  He's had bumps under his gums for a month now and they haven't broken through. 

Jace loves to dance and tries to talk to Alexa to get her to play music if there isn't any on.  He will stand at the end table the Alexa speaker sits on and will jabber and point at it.  He's added a new dance move that includes putting one arm in the air and swinging it in circles.  This was added to his typical head swing and bending his knees up and down.  Baby Shark and anything by Raffi are his favs.  He really loves anything that sings, dances, or lights up.  At the Blue Papa and Gma's house he has LOTS of options.  Currently he likes to carry around a little electronic skeleton that sings and dances and he points to anything else he can't reach but knows it lights up or sings for him.  At home, he loves an Elmo toy that his cousin Alaina gave him.  Elmo talks, sings, and dances and Jace knows how to turn him on to interact. 

Jace is also speeding up recently! I'd say he's toddler running...it's not fast, but it's more than just walking now :) 

Playing in his favorite cupboard in the kitchen

Silly boy getting himself half undressed

He loves plinking in the keys and he's tall enough
 to push up the cover himself now too

Enjoying the fire station open house
and all of the tires!  His fav!


Baby yoga:)

Handsome boy dressed up for
Great Gma's funeral

On the airplane with sister

Hanging with friends in Baltimore

Super fun library in Baltimore

More library fun

Snuggles with Big Luke

Flying home!

Toddlers and pumpkins <3 td="">

I can touch these???

Our pumpkin for Halloween:)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I can't look at these enough.
    What a blessing he has been to us this year.
