Thursday, December 5, 2019

Jace ~ 15 Months

This past month has brought out a lot of personality in our littlest man!

Chatting - Jace is repeating more words that he hears frequently: milk, truck, up, snack (refers to any food), na-na, sock, sit, shoe (this one is hard to decipher), and pee-yew...and occasionally we'll hear a mama or dada in there, but not often ;)  I'm half expecting his next word to be Luke since he seems to like words that end with the "k" sound.  We also still get a lot of pointing and grunting at the things he wants.

Eating/Teething - We're beginning to see more preferences from our boy who used to eat anything we gave him.  If he doesn't like what's on his high chair tray, he will try to hand it back to us, try to drop it on the floor, put his pacifier back in his mouth, and/or point to the counter where he knows we keep the bananas.  He's also had his third and fourth one-year molars break through, so he may be pickier due to that.  In the past when he's been teething, he has preferred soft foods.  A few of his favorite foods: fruit pouches which he can now eat himself, yogurt, bananas, bread, oatmeal and blueberries, crackers, fruit bars, ice cream.  Jace has also become very aware of when food is available.  If he sees us eating, he'll come up to us with his mouth wide open expecting a bite.  He also knows where the snacks are in the pantry and will grab something to walk around with even though he can't open it to actually eat unless we oblige.

On the Move -  Jace has been very fascinated with the stairs this month.  Since he's been mobile, we've had a gate at the top of the stairs and we used an ottoman to block the bottom of the stairs.  We started realizing how quickly he'd run to the stairs in the basement if we didn't have the ottoman blocking him.  He'd sit at the bottom of the stairs just waiting for us to get distracted so he could start climbing.  We let him practice climbing occasionally when we could be there to spot him.  The week of Thanksgiving, we were all home for five days so we decided to let him practice his stair scaling skills.  We took off the gate and helped him know to sit and turn on his stomach to go down.  He loves the new found freedom.  We just need to be sure that whichever level of the house he's on that an older sibling or parent is with him (think toys in the toilet, barbie shoes in the mouth, etc, etc).

Personality - Jace has been a lot more giggly this month.  I think he's starting to show his sense of humor since he'll laugh at himself when he's being silly.  We never know what he'll find funny when he's watching Luke and Nora.  One day he laughed hysterically when Nora was trying to toss her coat at a hook and missing over and over.  Jace is also showing his defiance more clearly.  One night, Brent said it was time for bed, so Jace fell to the floor and started rolling away.  Luke got a video of the entire thing that happened multiple times.  He was making his point in the best way he knew how...making it difficult for Brent to pick him up.  The funny part to me is that he loves going to bed with his stuffed lamb and cozy blankets. He must have just been having fun playing with dad and brother.  After this incident, we've seen more occurrences of him falling to the ground to show his dissatisfaction with the situation.  He's also mastered the head shake to tell us "no".

Stats from 12/13 Appt:
Weight: 25 lbs 9.5 oz (84%)
Height: 31.22 inches (44%)
Head Circumference: 49 cm (94%)

Still short and stout with a big bean :)
Sleepy boy
cuddling at a restaurant 

Morning snuggles with big brother

Sitting in a big desk at Papa and Gma's
for some dried blueberries

He loves playing in the shower

Hanging with extended family

Sweet moments on the bleachers

Hoop Dreams

Future photographer

Playing with Parker

Snuggles with Momma

Reading in his little chair

Not a happy daddy on Michigan vs Ohio state football day...

Cuddles with big bro. 
Jace is probably happier here because
of the remote in his hand than
being with his brother.

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