Friday, October 1, 2010

Days Like Today

Today probably won't stick in my long term memory, but it was a great one! We didn't do anything special, but it was a great day with my Lukey:)

I've been realizing that this time next year we'll have a child in school! How did this happen so fast? So, I've been really appreciating our "days of nothing" together since I've been half time at work.

Today was a perfect version of a "day of nothing":) We got up to see Brent off to work, got ready, and headed out for some errands. We stopped at Weight Watchers for the final weigh in of my maintenance period (six weeks), so I am now an official life time member! Then we stopped at the grocery store and AMPI store, dropped some things at Salvation Army, got Luke's haircut, and stopped to see Brent in his new office. We spent the rest of the day at home doing "stuff around the house", just enjoying time together at home.

This may not sound like a day filled with quality time to most, but we had time to chat together along the way and had more fun during our "day of nothing" together than I would have had doing the same things alone. I love days like these with Brent too:)
I think Luke and I have similar personalities in that we are both introverted, we like accomplishing our "to-dos" for the day, and enjoy one-on-one time with those we love. I am so thankful that running errands and even doing mundane things at home are pleasant to do with Luke.

I hope to have many more days of nothing with Luke in the year ahead before school starts next year, though I'm sure we can find time occasionally on the weekend even after he is in school:)

Luke having his own fun during our day together...I found him trying to lie in the back window of the car before heading out for our errands this morning:)


  1. Being "half time" is a blessing for all who can make it work. I'm very happy for you that you get to do just that. Luke is a lucky boy to have his mommy around on those "nothing to do days"
    I went 1/2 time when Brianna was born and I'm still there, I Love it.
    Congrats on your "life time" whoop whoop, that's so awesome and such an accomplishment. You look great (but then alway have :)

  2. It was not a day of "nothing." Precious moments with our little boys are the memories that will last when all the "something" days are no longer even recalled. I'm so glad you have this chance with him. He is such a special guy. I used to sleep in the back window, BTW, when I was a little girl and five kids in a car was a big tight. We'd be arrested these days but I grew up to be a fairly safe woman.
