Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Game of Life

We were playing the Game of Life tonight with Luke, one of his current favorites, whenI landed on a space that sparked a conversation. I landed on the Adopt Twins space about half way through the board. I can't remember any of us landing on it before and Luke was intrigued. He asked what does adopt twins mean? He knows what twins are, so I knew he was asking about the adoption part. I explained that adoption happens when kids don't have parents for whatever reason, and I gave him some examples, and another family brings them into their family. His face showed that he was processing the information, then he said, "So you're taking someone else's kids?" It made us chuckle:) He was just so matter-of-fact about. But it also sounded kind of like kidnapping:)

Oh the lessons of life...or should I say the Game of Life?

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