Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Life on the Farm...

...Our version of farming anyway:) 

This summer has been largely focused on a plot of our yard that Brent converted to a garden.  You may remember this post from May.  Our new garden space has been busy growing this summer...

Tomatoes (above) and cauliflower (below) on July 4th

Our first harvest tonight (from left to right): jalapeno peppers, pea pods, green beans.

I'm prepared to make stir fry with the pea pods and green bean casserole this week!

For the remainder of the summer, we plan to try our hand at salsa with the tomatoes, peppers, onions, and cilantro.  Brent's also looking forward to the squash (I'm not a fan).  Our lettuce and strawberries have been growing, but we haven't beat the rabbits to them yet.  Every time Brent notices a berry turning red, it's gone by the next day (despite the owl decoy).  We're already planning for some form of barrier/fence around the garden boxes next year.

But as we wait for the rest of our harvest, I will continue to look for my husband where I know I can usually find him this the garden:)

P.S. If someone had told me 10 years ago that Brent would be into gardening, I never would have believed them:)  The garden is far more his thing that mine, but we're all enjoying watching it grow and learning along the way.


  1. I love your garden! I so want to do that someday!

  2. Very cool that Brent is so into it. I like your gardens, fun times. Enjoy your produce.
