Sunday, April 14, 2013

Tater Tot Hotdish

Tater Tot Hotdish is my definition of comfort food.  I can still remember the pan my mom made it in and it was always my favorite meal as a kid.  I still love making it as an adult and now it's one of Luke's favorites too.  A few years ago, I found a "makeover" version of the recipe that's healthier and we love the recipe.  (We make it with just corn instead of mixed veggies and only use ground turkey instead of the mixture of beef and turkey.)

Makeover Tater-Topped Casserole Recipe

This weekend we had plans to have friends over for dinner.  When we made the plans a couple weeks ago, we thought we'd be having spring weather by now and could grill out for dinner.  For those in Minnesota, you know that it's not grilling weather yet, so I decided to make my favorite hotdish instead.  This seemed a bit strange to me because Tater Tot Hotdish feels like a family-around-the-dinner-table-on-a-week-night type of meal in my mind.  But then I realized that we were sharing dinner with some of our closest friends, the Riggins, so it was completely appropriate to share a "family" meal together:) 

Thanks for a fun night guys and for sharing my favorite comfort food!

(P.S. My spell check keeps underlining hotdish in red.  
I'm from Minnesota and I make hotdishes.) 

1 comment:

  1. One of our favorites as well, I think everyone who makes it has just a little different version.
