Friday, April 5, 2013

High Five for TWO Fridays:)

Two weeks since High Five for Friday + lots of fun for the Picker family = High Five for TWO Fridays!

Even my big 7 year old still snuggles his
favorite animals when he sleeps:)
Crazy hair day at school = blue mohawk
Happy budda-belly baby:)
Nora's first ride in the jogger stroller
with Daddy on a run
Playing in Nora's room
Love how they love each other:)
Sweet girl
Won't be long and we'll have a crawler!
Now the proud owner of a Hyundai Santa Fe!  
Luke's art on the white board in my cubicle at work
Love those chunky legs. Can't wait for
warmer weather so we can see them everyday!
Playing with Jack and Harper, my friend Liz's kiddos
Jack, 1 yr, Nora, 9 months
Lots of pictures, so I'll condense the happenings to just five:)

  1. LOTS of time with family and friends:  Easter weekend guests (Greg, Cal, & kids), Easter celebration with Beckmanns, Greens, and Moyers, play dates with friends, day trip to see friends, Momma lunch date with a friend, dinner out with Bunco group...see, we've been busy!
  2. Spring Break!  Luke had lots of fun with Papa & Gma Beckmann the first half of the week including a trip to Chuck E Cheese and a sleepover, then I got to have the rest of the week home with him and Nora:)  Love, love, love my work schedule and opportunity to be home with the kids!
  3. Lots of time watching basketball, particularly some GREAT Michigan games:)  Final Four baby!
  4. We traded in our Chevy Malibu for a Hyundai Santa Fe. SO much nicer, newer, smoother ride, and more space.  So grateful for the change.
  5. De-cluttering toys Luke has outgrown and bringing out more toddler-type toys for Nora.  Such a great task to accomplish.

1 comment:

  1. Love your update Jen, always fun to hear what's happening in the Picker family. I have always loved he Hyundai Santa Fe, maybe someday but for now....waiting for the van to die :)
