Friday, March 7, 2014

High Five for Friday

It's been awhile since I've High Fived Friday, but this week was the perfect opportunity to highlight my five favs of the week.


I treated myself to a massage on Monday night and had an appointment to get my hair highlighted on Tuesday night.  A lovely couple days of pampering for this lady!


Wednesday is my day off each week, but it's rare that I spend much of the day at home.  (I'm a busy body, what can I say.)  But this week, Luke had a late start for school due to the weather so we ended up hanging at home all day except for one trip to Target and school drop off.  I love unexpected lazy days.


Brent's city league basketball team played in the championship this week to round out their season. Unfortunately they didn't win, but it's still one of my high fives because I love watching my man play.  I've known Brent since we were 14 years old and have been watching him play ever since.  It may be 18 years later, but he's still got it:)


Chinese with my Kiddos
On the way to Brent's basketball game, the kids and I stopped at HyVee for a quick Chinese dinner.  There was nothing particularly stand out about this event, but the kids were super silly and funny and we shared lots of laughs together over dinner.  Special moments like these are the ones I hold dear to my heart:)


Seeing Special People
The special people in our lives help make the every day special:)  Last weekend I was able to spend the afternoon with my cousin for lunch and to discuss her upcoming wedding details.  We also got to hang at Greg & Cally's for a day and a half to celebrate Mekhi's birthday.  I got to meet a friend's newest addition to their family while dropping them a hot meal.  I had lunch with my friend and former coworker today and we shared dinner with a friend and her son tonight at Mr Pizza North.

Though the week had bumps in addition to my High Fives, I choose to be grateful for the High Fives:)

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