Friday, November 13, 2015

High Five for Friday

#1: Get Away

Last weekend, we had the chance to visit Brent's older brother, Greg, and his family in Rosemount, MN.  It was a short trip, but great to get away and to spend time with them.  We got to their place late afternoon, just in time for the Michigan vs. Rutgers and we hung out at their place for the evening.  The kids all slept together in one room, which resulted in them all being awake before 6:00 a.m. Yikes!  I love how they love each other, but sleep is fun too, right???;)  Sunday, Cally and I did a little shopping and had lunch on Grand Avenue in St Paul then stopped at a few stores at the Eagan Outlet Mall.  While we were out and about, Greg and Brent brought the kids to the Minnesota Zoo and watched some NFL games.
Playing puzzles with Mommy
 and Cousin Annalise

#2: Nachos

Last weekend, I went to lunch with my mom and a few of her friends from work.  We went to a new restaurant in Rochester: Five West.  We'd been for a happy hour and dinner once, but I had the most AMAZING nachos last Saturday.  I'm not kidding, I have thought of them every day since I ate them.  They may very well have ruined all other nachos for me.  If I haven't hyped them enough, we can chat more;)  They're called Herb Roasted Chicken Nachos.  So, if you ever want to try them, give me a call and we'll share a plate with a couple sangrias:)

#3: Basketball

Luke started his RCYBA Youth Basketball.  This is his first season playing with this organization, but he gets to have a coach he's had in the past for baseball and football and knows quite a few kids on his team.  Brent's also assistant coaching this season.  I'm looking forward to watching him play this season!

#4: Vocabulary

I love listening to Nora talk, tell stories, and to hear her sense of humor.  Yesterday she used the word mystery appropriately without it ever coming up earlier in the conversation.  It's so incredible how kids pick up words and vocabulary.

#5: Brent

Today is my man's birthday.  He doesn't like celebrating or receiving attention for his birthday, so I take it easy on him.  (Actually, neither of us are much about our birthdays.)  Regardless, I am grateful for him, his life, and the opportunity to share life with him.  Love you, babe.

Love this guy

1 comment:

  1. I might just have to try me some of those Nacho's, sounds yummy. We have never been to West 5.
