Tuesday, February 16, 2016

A Decade

Today, we celebrate a decade with our boy!

I was feeling a little sentimental so I created a collage to show his growth and changes through the years.  I could really see a difference between years 6-7 and 8-9 (though that could just be the hair;))

At ten years, you are...
  • A polite and considerate boy
  • A wonderful big brother
  • A dedicated student who self-initiates homework and extends himself in Math Masters and non-verbal GATE (Gifted and Talented Education for math and science)
  • An active and sports-minded boy who loves watching, playing, and talking basketball and football
  • Very responsible.  You remember to clean and wear your retainer every night and remind me mos of the time to take your allergy pills.  
  • A handsome boy (I know you don't like to hear it, but you are;))
  • A gamer.  When you're not playing sports or doing homework, you're likely to be found on your tablet playing apps and games or playing sports on the Xbox
  • Desire a lot of daddy time, but I get occasional random side hugs, "I love yous", and compliments on meals.  
  • Have lots of deep thoughts and share them with us on occasion.  You were very intrigued by your matter unit in Science which lead to some interesting questions about the universe and things unseen.
  • 4 feet, 8 inches tall and  82.6 pounds (for the record, Nora is 3 feet, 4 inches and 34.8 pounds...she didn't want to be left out) and clearly growing quickly because we had to buy you new pants twice this winter!
  • Into: basketball cards, football cards, Michigan sports, logic and math puzzles, crossword puzzles, and reading a variety of books
  • Happiest when doing any of your favorite things with your cousins, Mekhi and Ethan:)
  • Beginning to have more preferences on your clothing and shopping with me for them
  • A frugal boy.  We recently noticed that your wallet still had gift cards in it from the past year as well as cash from gifts.  We did a little shopping today and you were very selective of what was worth your gift money 
  • An incredible blessing to our family and we are beyond blessed to call you ours
We love you, Luke!

1 comment:

  1. Such an amazing boy you have! Cant believe he's already "double digits".
