Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Jen's Joy

Personality profiles have always intrigued me.  

(For those not familiar or interested in this topic, personality profiles essentially help us understand ourselves and those around us.  Some examples are Myers-Briggs, DiSC, Enneagram, and Gary Smalley's Personality Types Inventory.)

I have had so many "ah-ha" moments in understanding myself and those close to me (family, friends, coworkers) as a result of analyzing myself through personality tests.  My favorite profile and the one I've spent the most time using and learning has been Myers-Briggs.  I am a IST/FJ.  I'm Introverted, Sensing, right in the middle of Thinking and Feeling, and Judging.  My personality traits according to Myers-Briggs:

I'm also interested in The Birth Order book by Dr. Leman and Brent has ready different leadership/workplace personality books through the years as well.  One that stuck out to me was Strengths Finder by Tom Rath.  The gist is that finding and focusing on our strengths helps us enjoy and be more successful at our work.  

ALL of this to say, I love organizing.  It brings me joy, it energizes me, and it works well with how my brain thinks.  I like logical and practical organization tools and systems that work in every day life (tying back to my strengths with Myers-Briggs).

Recently I have been very into organizing the house.  I've recently watched Hot Mess House and Get Organized with The Home Edit and found a lot of good ideas and inspiration.  Then...I unleashed on our toys and kitchen specifically ๐Ÿ˜Š

Pantry Before and After
These may not look very different, but they feel very different.
The snacks moved up to a level that Jace cannot access.
I now have zones for breakfast, meals, and back stock of regularly used items.
A place for everything and everything in its place ๐Ÿ’“

During the process...make a mess to make progress ๐Ÿ˜Š

Spice cupboard before and during

Spice cupboard after my turn tables arrived!
SO much better!

The rest of the cabinets/drawers I did not get before pictures, but here are some after pictures:

Baking drawer

Fridge with added turn tables!

Baking cabinet with new expandable racks!

More baking with new expandable rack!
These racks are amazing!

Candy and vases - rarely used, but all easier to access

"Morning" (all the things used each morning, easily accessible over the coffee maker for Brent) and recipes

Kids dishes, cups, and water bottles
Love the perfect size of these new bins I found!

Little man getting in on the sorting ๐Ÿ˜†
He's been my mini-shadow lately.

I also organized Nora's closet, desk, and craft table, as well as the toy cabinet in the play area.  It's so nice to feel like what we have we actually use (I donated or sold more items) and to actually be able to access everything easily.  I'm happier in the kitchen since reorganizing and Jace has seemed to like the streamline of his toys too. Plus, he and Luke have always been better at putting things away than my free-spirit, Nora ๐Ÿ˜†  She doesn't join me in my joy of organizing๐Ÿ˜

I still have more on my list to tackle: our master bathroom and a smaller tidy up on the storage area (we did a big effort on this last spring).  

It's especially nice having these projects done and in progress before Christmas when new things come into the house as gifts.  

Thanks for joining me as I nerd-out on my organization victories!

What's the thing that brings you joy?  Something you could do all day and not grow tired of it???

1 comment:

  1. This inspired me to tackle my pantry soon, It's pathetic! I also need to go through my other cupboard and de-clutter. I will work on those when the weather is cooler, Dont want to waste these beautiful days inside.
