Monday, October 1, 2012

So Long September

September 2012 was full of adjustments for this little family, both individual and family changes. Luke started first grade, which he's enjoying, but it's been an adjustment for all of us having him in school all day.  He has been more tired than usual and is disappointed each night when we tell him it's time for bed.  I think he's just used to having more down time with Brent and I and the reality is that we have less of that during the week now that we only have evenings together.  It's been a big adjustment for me too.  I miss having that extra time with Luke and feel like the evenings are more about getting things done (dinner, bath, homework, reading, etc) than just enjoying each other.  And, of course, we now have two children to split our time between:)

September also marked the beginning of another football season.  In our house it's an adjustment:)  Brent plays city league football two nights a week and plays FCA league on Saturday mornings.  Brent is also a big football fan, so I try to keep the schedule clear during Michigan and Vikings games:)  Luke's also heading down the path of football fan-dom quickly.  Yesterday he asked me if my request for him to come downstairs could wait because there were only a few minutes left of the's starting already! 

September held lots of changes for me too, which of course impact the entire family (especially when there is an infant involved).  I've started my crawl back to my pre-pregnancy body by rejoining Weight Watchers and training for a 5K in October.  Nora accompanies me to WW meetings once a week, but she's too young for me to jog with her in the stroller.  That means that I have to find time three times a week to get out for a jog while Brent's around to hang with the kids.  The good news is that I have a very supportive husband and I've been able to hit my goal of jogging 3 times a week all but one week in September! 

The other major change for our entire family has been my returning to work.  Thankfully I was able to return only three mornings a week beginning September 17.  It's been helpful to ease back to work.  I will return to working the first half of each week on October 8.  In September, Brent and my mom were able to adjust their schedules to watch the kids while I was at work.  Starting in October, my dad will be our in-home nanny:)  He will come to our house on the days I work to take care of Nora and get Luke off to school.  Nora has been taking a bottle well and her happiest time of the day is the morning so all has gone well so far!

There were ups and downs throughout our month of adjustments, but I'm happy to report that I've survived and are even thriving most days:)  September was a month of adjustments and I'm hoping October will be a month of settling into our new routines. 

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