Sunday, February 12, 2012

Top 30

Found this post from October that I never published...

In honor of turning 30 last week, I thought I'd do a little reminiscing.  So, here's my Top 30 of my 20s (in no particular order):
  1. Graduated with my two year Associates degree from Minnesota Bible College (now Crossroads College) - Spring 2002
  2. "Moved away" from home for the first time to go to school at University of Wisconsin River Falls - Fall 2002
  3. Said "Yes" to Brent's marriage proposal (21st birthday gift - October 2002)
  4. Said "I Do" to become Mrs. Jen Picker (July 26, 2003)
  5. Graduated with my Bachelors degree from Winona State University, without every stepping foot on campus I might add - May 2009 (notice I didn't call this my "four year degree" since it took a little longer;))
  6. Known the joy of four pregnancies
  7. Blessed with the incredible opportunity of carrying our son for a full nine months of pregnancy
  8. Met the second love of my life, Luke Gabriel Picker (February 16, 2006)
  9. Battled my undiagnosed life-long demon of anxiety and found better ways to live and cope 
  10. Became a homeowner: 5528 51 Street NW
  11. Battled a decade-long struggle with weight and achieved a number on the scale that I never thought I'd see again -- thank you Weight Watchers!
  12. Stood next to my little sister as she married the love of her life
  13. Known the excitement of becoming an aunt, first by marriage and then awaiting the calls from labor and delivery
  14. Experienced the everyday blessings of wifehood and motherhood
  15. Battled the unidentified opponent(s) of infertility
  16. Loved
  17. Lost
  18. Learned
  19. Grown
  20. Found perspective
  21. Changed perspectives
  22. Realized I can run more than a mile and that I feel really good when I make running/exercise a habit
  23. Learned the pain and helplessness of seeing a parent lying in a hospital bed
  24. As a result of of #23, learned what a partially hydrogenated oil is and to avoid them!
  25. Said "yes" to opportunities I didn't think I could handle
  26. Learned that relationships take a lot of work
  27. Learned to accept myself as the introvert that I am
  28. Met many amazing people along the way
  29. Learned that the job title doesn't mean as much as finding a good balance between family and work
  30. Felt overflowing pride and love as a wife and mother
Ten years ago, I was turning 20 years old while beginning my second year of college at Minnesota Bible College (now Crossroads College), living on campus in a town home with some lovely roommates, dating one Mr. Brent Picker, and trying to "plan" for what lay ahead in life.

My guess is that the decade of our twenties is filled with the most change and growth, but I guess we'll see:)

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