Friday, September 21, 2012

Ten Weeks

At ten weeks, you are:
  • Starting to make bubbles with your mouth.  Sounds strange, but it's kind of cute:)
  • Startling easily, especially with Daddy's voice.  If he raises his voice to talk to one of us in another room, your lip goes out and you start crying. 
  • Officially able to sleep through the night!  You've only done it once this week, but that means you can do it!  You went from a 10pm feeding to 6am.
  • No longer home with mommy full-time.  I started back to work three mornings a week this week and you spent the mornings with Daddy.  I get to have this schedule for three weeks, then I'll be back to my half time schedule and you'll start spending those days with Papa Beckmann once he retires. 
Showing off her fall styles
and those beautiful baby blues:)


Our busy, happy girl:)

1 comment:

  1. So sweet. Nora looks so grown up in her hoodie! Love how excited she gets while looking at her wall art, it really is in the perfect spot, so fun for her :)
